Page 163 - Education World Dec 2021
P. 163


                                                            THE JOY OF LEARNING AT

                                                            KANGAROO KIDS

                  euroscience sug g ests                                             minds of young  learners.  We are
                  that children who receive                                          one preschool that understands
             Nstructured formative                                                   this inherent inq uisitiveness
             education have g reater                                                 and uses it to the child’s own
             opportunities to learn, g row                                           advantag e.  I ndependent learning
             and succeed in life.  We teach                                          is an important component of
             the way children learn the best                                         foundational years.
             and have worked consistently                                            Peer Learning:  ncourag ing
             towards taking  teaching  beyond                                        buddy systems in early years
             the four walls of the classroom                                         helps us create a sense of
             and adapted and implemented                                             empathy in our learners and
             innovative frameworks to                                                thereby streng thens emotional
             develop 2 1 st century life skills in                                   stability  P eer collaboration
             our young  learners:                                                    also helps learners adapt to
             Happiness is the Key: We                                                inclusivity and assess their own
             believe every child is uniq ue and                                      understanding  of concepts.    his
             allow each child to blossom on their own.   his approach helps us   world belong s to problem solvers and smart decision makers
             to safeg uard children’s emotional well-being .  B esides teaching    and we at K ang aroo K ids, are committed to build their critical
             to achieve learning  outcomes, our teachers also desig n daily   thinking  abilities throug h independent, self-motivated learning
             activities in such a way that the element of j oy is never missed.    and ensuring  that life skills development helps young  learners
             M ost sessions end with mag ic q uestions leaving  young  minds to   build resilience.
             think, innovate, create and imag ine.             Technology and Preschool:  ur facilitators and students need
             Innovative Pedagogy:  ur teaching -learning  pedag og y has   to keep abreast of new innovations in the world of technolog y
              ipped rote learning techniques with a more  exible, hands-on   starting  from foundational years.  K ang aroo K ids has created
             approach thereby encouraging experiential learning. We have   a uniq ue I  K an prog ram that
             created learning  spaces to suit the needs of our young  learners.    integ rates traditional preschool
             O ur teaching -learning  techniq ue involves activities that spark   methodolog ies with technolog y
             curiosity in young  minds and encourag e their ability to q uestion.    throug h I pads.  We only assist
             We believe this ability to q uestion will lead to innovativeness.  them in opening  their minds to a
             Independent learning framework-  ncourag ing  learning  with   world of endless knowledg e for
             very little or no assistance helps us build a sense of pride in the   developing  2 1 st century skills.
                                                               Parents as Partners:
                                                               C hildren’s formative years are
                                                               hig hly impacted by parental
                                                               involvement.  When parents
                                                               are involved in children’s
                                                               early education, it boosts their
                                                               self-confidence and increases their ability to take risks. We
                                                               create an environment that encourag es parental partnership
                                                               which is an integ ral part of the curriculum.  P arents as g uest
                                                               teachers, volunteers help teachers achieve learning  outcomes
                                                               in a better way and this in turn assists parents to understand
                                                               the methodolog ies and techniq ues the school uses to conduct
                                                               teaching -learning .

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