Page 16 - EW JAN 2022
P. 16

Education News

             scams are the tip of the iceberg. An   the state recorded 8,449 new cases.
             independent judicial inquiry is neces-  “We have requested the state gov-
             sary to get to the bottom of these on-  ernment to accord top priority to the
             going scandals. The usual transfer or   health and well-being of children and
             suspension is not sufficient response,”   immediately suspend all in-person
             says Rajesh Pandya, vice-president   classes in schools and colleges in
             of the Mumbai-based Teachers Demo-  districts reporting high numbers of
             cratic Front (TDF, estb.2004).   Covid-19 infections. Parents are fear-
                Meanwhile, according to  ASER   ful and don’t want to send children
             2019 ‘Early Years’ Report, published   to school as many in the medical fra-
             annually by the Pratham educa-   ternity have predicted that the third
             tion foundation, 31 percent of class   wave will hit children. The state’s
             III children in Maharashtra’s rural   education minister testing Covid-19
             government primaries cannot read   positive has also frightened parents.
             a class I textbook. In 2018, 23.3 per-  Moreover, many private schools are
             cent couldn’t. This means that chil-  not being transparent and failing
             dren’s learning outcomes in India’s   to report on-campus Covid positive
             most industrial state accounting for   cases,” says Chidananda P.E, an
             25 percent of national manufacturing   office-bearer of Voice of Parents.
             output, are going from bad to worse.   But reluctance to reopen schools
             Hardly  surprising  if  thousands  of   following 65-70 weeks of lockdown
             teachers recruited annually are under-  is a minority middle and upper class   havoc in India and abroad and gov-
             qualified frauds.                phenomenon. Parents and chil-    ernments experimented with shut-
                            Dipta Joshi (Mumbai)  dren from bottom-of-the-pyramid   ting down schools for varying lengths
                                              households cooped up for over 18   of time, “the biggest lesson learnt” is
               KARNATAKA                      months in cramped homes without   that the damage caused to children’s
             Rising anger                     Internet connectivity and digital   learning and future prospects is ir-
                                              devices can’t wait for schools to
                                                                               reparable and devastating. “This is
                                              reopen in earnest. Comments D.   especially true of children born into
                n line with other states such as   Shashi Kumar, general secretary,   low-income homes with poor Inter-
                West Bengal, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh   Associated Managements of Private   net connectivity and digital equip-
             Iand Haryana, following a sudden   Schools in Karnataka (KAMS), which   ment. Their cognitive development is
             spurt in Covid-19 infections triggered   has a membership of 3,900 mainly   seriously endangered,” he warns.
             by the Omicron variant, Karnataka’s   budget private schools: “After almost   his trend is confirmed by the An-
             BJP government has ordered an    64 weeks of lockdown, schools have  Tnual Status of Education Report
             immediate shutdown of primary-sec-  started to report good student at-  (ASER) 2020 Karnataka Rural
             ondary schools and switch to online   tendance. In class X, our schools are   published by the highly-respected
             instruction with effect from January   seeing almost 90 percent attendance.   Pratham Education Foundation.
             6. Optional on-campus classes are   With our member schools strictly fol-  ASER 2020 says that 56.8 percent
             permitted for classes X-XII students   lowing Covid protocols and ensuring   of class I students surveyed cannot
             and for medical, paramedical and   social distancing and temperature   recognise/read Kannada language
             nursing colleges. Meanwhile even   checks, they are safer than wed-  alphabets (cf. 40 percent in 2018)
             before the closure order most CBSE,   dings, malls and restaurants. After   and only 34 percent of class V
             CISCE and international boards   the unbearably prolonged March   students can read a class II text (cf.
             affiliated schools in Bengaluru had   2020-November 2021 lockdown,   46 percent). The decline in maths
             switched to the online mode as ma-  government’s top priority should be   learning is worse. An estimated 42
             jority of parents are refusing to send   to ensure that youngest children’s   percent of class I students cannot
             children to school after the outbreak   learning is not lost forever. Schools    recognise numbers from one to nine
             of Omicron variant.              including pre-primaries and prima-  (cf. 30 percent in 2018). Only 17.3
                Voice of Parents, a Bengaluru-  ries should be restarted right now.   percent of class III students are able
             based parents’ association, has   Expert medical opinion is clear that   to do subtraction sums (cf. 26.3 per-
             demanded that the BJP govern-    children are the least susceptible to   cent) and only 38.9 percent of class
             ment immediately shut all primary-  Covid infection.”             VIII students can do simple division
             secondary schools in light of rising   According to Shashi Kumar, two   sums.
             Covid-19 infections. On January 7,   years after the pandemic spread   Meanwhile, in an unambiguous

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