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mas and New Year celebrations huge   ing in low-end jobs are in grave danger   education  ministry  announced  set-
             crowds were permitted to congregate.   of forgetting what they had learned.   ting  up  an  expert  committee  to  de-
             Educationists trace the rise in Covid   “The  prolonged  lockdown  of   sign bridge courses for classes I-VIII
             positive cases to pandemic protocols   schools is gross violation of the Right   to  make  up  for  lost  learning  when
             being  thrown  to  the  winds  during   of  Children  to  Free  &  Compulsory   schools  reopen.  Moreover,  with  the
             these festive months. And while malls,   Education  (RTE)  Act,  2009,  which   Central government directing that ad-
             shops, public transport are permitted   made free and compulsory elementary   olescents in the 15-18 years age group
             to function with 50 percent capacity,   education a fundamental right of all   should be vaccinated from January 3,
             education institutions have been or-  children. Several authoritative studies   chief minister Mamata Banerjee has
             dered to completely shut down.   in India and abroad have concluded   set the health ministry an ambitious
                The consequences of this reckless   that children are at least risk of hospi-  target  of  vaxxing  4.8  million  teens
             attitude towards children’s education   talisation because of Covid infection.   within 30 days.
             are beginning to manifest. Although   The West Bengal government should   However, with reports of massive
             on-campus classes for higher second-  immediately order re-opening of all   dropouts, after schools for class IX-
             ary (classes IX-XII) and college and   education institutions from preschool   XII were reopened on November 16,
             university students were permitted to   onwards with batches attending on al-  there  is  growing  indignation  within
             resume on November 16, attendance   ternate days or three times per week,   West Bengal’s academia and bhadral-
             is thin. Sentient educationists attri-  in line with rules applicable to shop-  ok  (refined  middle  class)  about  the
             bute this to the unprecedented lock-  ping malls, retail stores, restaurants   TMC’s reckless closure of education
             down of schools for 73 weeks. A large   etc. Risks to children’s health must be   institutions without due application of
             number of the state’s 24 million chil-  balanced against their suffering irre-  mind. Curiously, West Bengal’s TMC
             dren unable to access the Internet and   trievable learning loss and psychologi-  government seems unaware that be-
             digital devices and consequently to-  cal damage,” says Shruti Goswami,   tween  reopening  and  locking  down
             tally deprived of online learning, have   assistant professor at Kolkata’s high-  schools there are acceptable half-way
             dropped out of the education system.   ranked St. Xavier’s College.   solutions.
             And those who haven’t started work-  Meanwhile  on  December  13,  the      Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)

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