Page 24 - EW JAN 2022
P. 24

Expert Comment

             Agenda for Republic

             at 72

                                                                                  NEERAJ KAUSHAL

                    HE REPUBLIC OF INDIA WILL TURN 72 THIS     Sustained growth of 8 percent-
                    year. In 1950 when newly independent India
                    transformed into the first republic of the Brit-  plus requires substantially greater
             Tish Commonwealth of nations, the vast majority   investment in Indian youth and the
             of free Indians were illiterate, malnourished and poor.
             Subsequent droughts of the mid-1960s gave India the   education sector. Forty percent of the
             image of a dependent nation that went around the world   population is below 18 years and half
             with a ‘begging bowl’ to feed its millions. Our goal was   below 24 years of age
             self-reliance, yet we could not survive without foreign
             aid. Former US senator and ambassador to India, Daniel
             Patrick Moynihan, scathingly wrote: “What does it (India)   per year.
             export but communicable disease?” Today it is painful   The Covid-19 pandemic has exacted a devastating toll
             to read this, but, that was the image of India in the early   on lives and livelihoods. The pace of annual GDP growth
             1970s, a full quarter century after independence.  which was declining before the pandemic, crashed by 7.3
                Progress on most economic and development mea-  percent in 2020-21. Opinions on how fast the economy
             sures remained slow for decades. Foreign investors   can grow over the next five years are mixed. Some say the
             avoided India, and a few that dared to start businesses   miracle growth rates of the early new millennium years
             here were soon packed off. Plunder and loot by the East   are a distant dream. India has squeezed all it could from
             India Company which ruled the country for eight de-  the economic reforms of the 1990s and early 2000s. GDP
             cades, had made us psychologically intolerant of foreign   growth of more than 5 percent requires economic policy
             companies on Indian soil. So under the leadership of   reforms for which there’s little political will or appetite.
             prime ministers Pandit Nehru and then Indira Gandhi,   xperts in finance, Reserve Bank of India and the In-
             we charted a course of development with a concoction of  Eternational Monetary Fund project a more optimistic
             strategies including self-reliance and investment in public   outlook. RBI has forecast GDP growth of 9.5 percent in
             sector enterprises promoted to dominate the command-  2021-22 and the IMF has accepted this projection. The
             ing heights of the Indian economy.                IMF forecast for India’s GDP growth in 2022-23 is 8.5
                The following statistics recount the sobering outcome   percent. These impressive targets, if attained, would make
             of these isolationist development strategies: It took four   India one of the world’s fastest growing economies.
             decades (1950-1990) to double India’s per capita income.   However, sustained growth of 8 percent-plus requires
             The Republic crawled for decades before it could stand   substantially greater investment in Indian youth and the
             upright and walk on its own.                      education sector. At 72, India is a remarkably young na-
                The next doubling of incomes happened faster — in 17   tion. Forty percent of the population is below 18 years and
             years, from 1990-2007, and even faster in 12 years from   half below 24 years of age. But most of our youth entering
             2007-2019, as India progressively opened up its economy   the workforce are unskilled. Employers complain that
             and removed shackles that constrained private enterprise.   even college graduates lack employability skills.
             Three decades ago, India was a basket case economy.   The sad reality is that even the best ranked higher edu-
             Now it’s the world’s sixth largest. From an economic lag-  cation institutions of India suffer chronic faculty short-
             gard, India now stands tall among emerging economies.  ages, accentuated by the Covid pandemic. A third of the
                Our aspirational goals are to grow from the current   faculty positions in Central universities and 43 percent
             $2.9 trillion (Rs.218 lakh crore) into a $5 trillion economy   of faculty positions in the country’s renowned IITs are
             by 2024-25 and a $10 trillion economy by 2030. But at-  vacant, aggregating to over 10,000 in Central universities,
             taining these targets requires annual GDP growth rates of   IITs and IIMs.
             15 percent. This is a dizzying target, difficult to attain in a   Skills scarcity is a global phenomenon as is competi-
             single year and almost impossible to sustain for ten years.   tion to attract qualified faculty. The only option to stay
             No other country has done this. In reality, we are likely to   in this race is to educate India’s young population and
             fall short of the 2025 target by at least $1 trillion.    ideate policies and structures to attract talent and skilled
                Impossible though these targets may seem, they are   professionals from around the world just as the United
             indicative of the long way we have travelled and how we   States, several European countries, Canada and Australia
             view ourselves in the world. In the first four decades of   have done. China has joined this race, India should too.
             the Republic, our GDP growth target was 5 percent per   And quickly.
             year — a feat attained in only six of those 40 years, often
             enabled by low or negative growth in the previous year.   (Dr. Neeraj Kaushal is chair, doctoral program, School of Social Work, Co-
             Now, we worry when GDP growth falls below 5 percent   lumbia University, USA)

             24    EDUCATIONWORLD   JANUARY 2022
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