Page 22 - EW JAN 2022
P. 22
Education Briefs
Fliplearn contest awards able them to earn badges by complet- teams from 38 countries worldwide.
ing various tasks and assignments Awarded third prize, the AIS students
GuruGram, december 29. Gurugram- and win prizes valued at Rs.10 lakh won the school’s library a Harper Col-
based Fliplearn Education Pvt. Ltd, including Apple IPads, Air Pods and lins Library Bundle.
the highly reputed e-learning platform Amazon vouchers. Moreover, partici- Addressing a felicitation event
which offers supplementary K-12 ed- pants will receive offer letters, certifi- for the award-winning students, Dr.
ucation to 550 schools and 500,000 cates of completion, letters of recom- (Mrs.) Amita Chauhan, chairper-
students countrywide, announced mendation, and become eligible to son, Amity International Schools,
winners of its FlipAheadWithFli- win scholarships valued at Rs.25 crore said: “AIS students have always done
plearn contest. from high-ranked universities while well in national and international
Response was overwhelming and interning under MIP. competitions. Our students’ achieve-
more than 50,000 students and ments reflect the high standard of
around 2,500 teachers participated IBS-KILA agreement education provided by AIS and our
in the online contest. Winners were teachers’ commitment to nurtur-
selected on the basis of maximum en- Thrissur, december 28. iCFAI Business ing students capable of fashioning a
gagement and usage of the platform School (IBS), Hyderabad, a constitu- bright future for the country.”
culminating in a lucky draw in which ent of the ICFAI Foundation for High-
215 winners were awarded exciting er Education, signed an MoU with the JIRS Hybrid programme
prizes including tablets, bluetooth Kerala Institute of Local Administra-
headphones and free subscription of tion (KILA) for knowledge sharing. beNGaluru, december 21. Jain Inter-
Fliplearn. “It is an honour to be associated national Residential School, Benga-
The winners of the contest were with KILA which has an excellent rep- luru (JIRS, estb.1999) and Crimson
felicitated at an impressive awards utation for training local government Education, a schools development
ceremony held virtually on Decem- officials. Knowledge-sharing will be in organisation led by educationists
ber 4 and telecast live on Zoom and the form of workshops, symposiums, and researchers, launched JIRS Hy-
YouTube. seminars leading to nurturing talent brid, an online and offline blended
for public governance in Kerala,” said learning programme certified by the
Mindler Internship Dr. C. Shylajan, dean of IBS, speak- Cambridge Assessment International
ing on the occasion.
Education, UK.
Program Added Dr. Joy Elamon, director- Speaking on the occasion Am-
general of KILA: “This MoU heralds a itabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog — the
New delhi, december 13. Mindler Edu- new chapter for knowledge manage- Central government’s Delhi-based
cation Pvt. Ltd, the well-reputed ca- ment at IBS and will empower local think tank — said: “While technol-
reer guidance company, launched its administrations across the country to ogy may make it possible for classes
Mindler Internship Program (MIP) professionalise and enhance adminis- to go online, the role and the need for
for class XII students in India and trative efficiency.” physical connection and experiential
the Middle East. This free-of-charge, learning in education is also impera-
student-centric initiative will provide Wild Wisdom Challenge tive. With this hybrid model, students
students from over 1,000 schools in will be able to benefit from modern
India and 70 from the Middle East, 2021 technology-based and in-person expe-
five weeks’ virtual experience of in- riential learning which is an important
terning with fast paced corporate or- GuruGram, december 8. Two Amity In- part of the overall school experience.”
ganisations in the two geographies. ternational School (AIS), Sector 46, Added Arun Rajamani, manag-
This initiative has been launched in Gurugram students — Siddhant Kaura ing director, Cambridge University
collaboration with Afairs Exhibitions and Chinmay Karwa (class VII) — Press & Assessment, South Asia: “We
Pvt. Ltd — Asia’s leading education were included among winners of the are pleased to welcome JIRS as the
enabler for student-university out- Wild Wisdom Global Challenge 2021 first Cambridge International School
reach — and EducationWorld — The organised by the Delhi-based Wild to offer our programmes online. JIRS
Human Development Magazine. Wisdom Fund for Nature (WWF) and Hybrid will offer Cambridge Inter-
All class XII students signing up the Central Board of Secondary Edu- national programmes and qualifica-
for MIP will get access to the Mind- cation (CBSE) on the theme ‘Life on tions in an online format that allows
ler Navigate mobile app available on Our Planet — A Hope for Future Gen- learning without boundaries. We are
Google Play and Apple IOS stores. erations’. confident this learning model will be
Students will also get access to a The final round organised online, successful and look forward to a long
gamified leader board which will en- attracted the participation of 250 association with JIRS Hybrid.”