Page 214 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 214
This year’s 11,368 sample respondents have voted Carmel School, Jodhpur, which retains its
Convent, Chandigarh India’s premier girls day school with last year’s ranking. La Martiniere
top scores under the parameters of co-curricular education, for Girls, Kolkata has slipped to
#4 (2) even as La Martiniere Girls
infrastructure, value for money and community service College, Lucknow has risen in pub-
lic esteem to be ranked #5 (10) jointly
with Loreto House, Middleton,
Kolkata which has retained its last
year’s #5 ranking.
Dr. Aashrita Dass, principal
of La Martiniere Girls College,
Lucknow (LMGC) is upbeat this
CISCE-affiliated K-12 school has been
promoted to the national Top 5 table
and is ranked #1 in Uttar Pradesh
(pop.215 million). “We are humbled
by our huge promotion and thank
your knowledgeable sample respon-
dents for recognising the hard work
of our teachers and students. Last
year, LMGC celebrated its 150th an-
niversary with a series of high profile
events and competitions. I am happy
that your sample respondents have ac-
knowledged our long service record of
over a century in the cause of women’s
Sr. Mary Supreeta with CCGS students: overdue promotion education and emancipation. I am es-
pecially pleased that our school has
he 2020-21 league table of 75 highly qualified and committed been awarded top score for academic
India’s top-ranked girls day teachers who have created stress-free reputation, because our students
schools has experienced a learning environments, enabling the have consistently produced excellent
Tsweeping makeover. The holistic development of our girls. Over results in board exams. This year, the
vintage JB Petit High School for the past six months in particular with ICSE class averaged 91 percent,” says
Girls, Mumbai (JBPHS, estb.1865), schools shut because of the Covid-19 Dass, an alumna of Isabella Thoburn
which was ranked India’s #1 girls pandemic, our teachers have made ex- College, Lucknow and Faizabad Uni-
school for the past four years, has traordinary efforts to ensure delivery versity who has been associated with
yielded top rank, trading places with of online learning to all our 2,039 girls. LMGC for the past 30 years, first as
the consistently second ranked Car- Therefore, I am happy that your survey student and then as a teacher.
mel Convent Girls School, Chan- respondents have rated our teachers Further down the top table, St.
digarh (CCGS, estb.1959). This year’s highly. We will continue to strive to Mary’s School, Pune, at #6 and Sa-
11,368 sample respondents compris- retain our top ranking in the future,” cred Heart Sr. Sec School, Chan-
ing parents, teachers, principals and says Sr. Mary Supreeta A.C, princi- digarh, at #7 have exchanged their
senior school students have voted pal of the CBSE-affiliated Carmel Con- 2019-20 ranks. Two Mumbai schools
CCGS India’s premier girls day school vent Girls School, Chandigarh. — J.B. Vachha High School,
with top scores under the parameters With CCGS and JBPHS trading Dadar and Villa Theresa High
of co-curricular education, individual places, there is minor readjustment School, Peddar Road — are jointly
attention to students, infrastructure of seating at the Top 5 table. The top ranked #6. However, the highlight
provision, value for money and com- two are followed by Modern High of this year’s league table of India’s
munity service. for Girls, Kolkata ranked #3 (#4 best all-girls day schools is the Top
“The credit for CCGS’ overdue in 2019-20) jointly with Rajmata 10 debut of three schools. The Bai
promotion should be given to our Krishna Kumari Girls’ Public Avabai Framji Petit Girls High