Page 215 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 215

to have all these strong pillars. More-
                                                                               over during these pandemic times,
                                                                               our teachers have smoothly switched
                                                                               to digital pedagogies, inquiry-based
                                                                               learning, flipped classroom and peer-
                                                                               to-peer learning to continue to deliv-
                                                                               er holistic education. This year’s #10
                                                                               ranking will motivate us to intensify
                                                                               our efforts to develop talented young
                                                                               women with leadership and entrepre-
                                                                               neurial skills,” says Koeli Dey, prin-
                                                                               cipal of SBGS which has an enrolment
                                                                               of 1,791 girl students and 139 teachers.
                                                                                 Beyond  the  Top  10  league  table,
                                                                               several all-girls schools have improved
                                                                               their  rankings.  Among  them  DAV
                                                                               Girls Senior Secondary School,
                                                                               Lloyds Road, Chennai, which has
                                                                               come up from #24 in 2019 to #11
              Diana Marfatia: steady rise to Top 10                            this year; Uttam School for Girls,
                                                                               Ghaziabad, from #24 to #14, Wals-
             School, Bandra West, Mumbai is   mentored by 69 teachers.         ingham House School, Mumbai,
             ranked #9 (14) and Convent of Je-  Yet  the most dramatic  debut in   from #23 to #16, Shri Ram Centen-
             sus & Mary, Bangla Sahib, Delhi   this year’s Top 10 girls day schools   nial School, Patna from #63 to #18
             (14) is ranked #10 this year together   league table is of the CBSE-affiliated   and Notre Dame Academy, Patna
             with Sushila Birla Girls’ School,   Sushila Birla Girls School, Kol-  from #42 to #21.
             Kolkata which has leapfrogged from   kata (SBGS, estb.1994), which has   Moreover, many all-girls schools
             #28 in 2019-20.                  skyrocketed from #28 in 2019-20 to   ranked beyond the Top 20 have ex-
                Diana Marfatia, principal of   #10 this year. “This overdue promo-  cellent reputations within their states
             Bai Avabai Framji Petit (BAFP,   tion is the outcome of the diligent ef-  and cities, and often outperform boys
             estb.1913), Mumbai is enthused by   forts of our teachers and students to   and co-educational schools in CBSE/
             the steady rise of the CISCE-affiliated   excel in academics, co-curricular and   CISCE board exams. For instance, the
             BAFP from #42 in 2016-17 to #10 in   sports activities. The growth and de-  low-profile  Queens College, In-
             2017-18 and #9 this year.  “This is ex-  velopment of an education institution   dore, ranked #38 all-India, is the #1
             hilarating news in the depressing pan-  rests on the foundational pillars of a   girls day school in Madhya Pradesh
             demic year. I attribute our improved   committed faculty, supportive man-  (pop.73 million); St. Joseph’s Girls
             ranking to the school’s excellent aca-  agement, quality infrastructure and   High School, Cuttack, ranked
             demic reputation and competent fac-  responsive students. We are fortunate   #54 nationally is #1 in Odisha; and
             ulty — the hallmarks of great edu-  SBGS’ Dey (right): dramatic Top 10 debut  Lourdes  Convent  High
             cation institutions — as reflected                                        School, Surat, ranked #57
             by our high scores under these                                            nationally, is the #1 girls day
             parameters. Moreover, our fo-                                             school in Gujarat (pop.63
             cus on sports, yoga and other co-                                         million).
             curricular activities ensures that                                          Although most greenfield
             we produce well-rounded young                                             schools tend to be co-educa-
             women. Even during the closure                                            tional, there are still many
             of schools due to the Covid-19                                            conservative  households
             pandemic, our tradition of pro-                                           in India that prefer to send
             viding academic as well as sports                                         their daughters to all-girls
             and co-curricular education has                                           schools for religious and cul-
             carried on virtually,” says Marfa-                                        tural reasons. Therefore, the
             tia, an alumna of Mumbai Univer-                                          league table of India’s most
             sity who was appointed principal                                          admired girls day schools is
             of the school in 2016. Currently,                                         100-strong (cf. 53 of boys
             the school has 926 girl children                                          day schools).

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