Page 224 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 224


             INDIA’S BEST BOYS DAY SCHOOLS                                     campus in the heart of Chandigarh,

                                                                               SJHS is #1 this year with top scores on
                                                                               the parameters of faculty competence,
                                                                               infrastructure provision, leadership/
                                                                               management quality and value for
                                                                               money (tuition fee: Rs.3,000-4,000
                                                                               per month). “We are thrilled by this
                                                                               good news during these sad pandemic
                                                                               times. For several years, our dedicat-
                                                                               ed teachers have been working hard
                                                                               to improve under all EWISR param-
                                                                               eters of school education excellence.
                                                                               As indicated by our top score under
                                                                               the parameter of teacher welfare and
                                                                               development, we value our teachers
                                                                               very highly. Though we have suffered
                                                                               loss of revenue due to the pandemic
                                                                               induced closure of all schools, we have
                                                                               continued to pay full salaries to all our
                                                                               teachers besides providing them con-
                                                                               tinuous professional training to be-
                                                                               come familiar with new online learn-
                                                                               ing technologies. Therefore, we are
                                                                               happy that SJHS has been awarded
              SJHS principal Kavita Das: good news in pandemic times           excellent scores under the parameters
                                                                               of faculty competence, co-curricular
             The seven-year reign of Campion School, Mumbai in the             education and value for money,” says
             all-boys category has ended. This year the 11,368 sample          Kavita Das, an alumna of Delhi Uni-
                                                                               versity with over 20 years of teaching
             respondents have voted St. John’s High School, Chandigarh         experience (St. Columba’s, Delhi) who
             #1 by a three points margin                                       was appointed principal of St. John’s
                                                                               High in 2007. Currently, the school
                                                                               has an aggregate enrolment of 2,000
                      ne of the few success stories   mindset that new greenfield schools of   boys mentored by 100 teachers.
                      of post-independence India   all categories tend to be co-education-  In this year’s league table of In-
                      is  gender  egalitarianism   al institutions which promote gender   dia’s Top 5 boys day schools, Cam-
             O— at least within the 200       egalitarianism and respect.      pion  School at #2 is followed by
             million-strong great Indian middle   Against this backdrop, the seven-  The Bishop’s School, Pune which
             class. Although gender parity is not   year reign of  Campion School,   has risen high in public esteem to #3
             yet normative in Indian society, except   Mumbai (estb.1943) in the category   (#6 in 2019-20). It is jointly ranked
             perhaps in the top 5 percent of upper   of  all-boys day  schools  has ended.   #3 with St. Mary’s School, Mazg-
             middle class homes, there’s rising   This year, the 11,368 sample respon-  aon, Mumbai (4) which has traded
             awareness  within  the  population  of   dents comprising parents, teachers,   places with St. Xavier’s Collegiate
             the need to provide equal pre-primary   principals and senior students of the   School, Kolkata at #4 (5). La Mar-
             and K-12 education to girl children.  EducationWorld India School Rank-  tiniere for Boys, Kolkata at #5 (6)
                Therefore, gender segregated — all-  ings 2020-21, have voted St. John’s   has also been promoted. Yet the big-
             boys and all-girls – primary-second-  High School, Chandigarh (SJHS,   gest winner in the boys day category is
             aries  are a dying species, especially   estb.1959) #1 by a three points mar-  the vintage St. Joseph’s Boys High
             single sex day schools. Consequently,   gin. It’s pertinent to note that Campi-  School, Bengaluru (estb.1858)
             the number of sufficiently well-reput-  on’s dislodgement from its normative   which has leapfrogged from #11 in
             ed gender segregated schools (schools   top of table coincides with the retire-  2019-20 to #5 this year besting its tra-
             unknown to less than 25 sample re-  ment of its long-serving (2013-19) and   ditional rival Bishop Cotton Boys,
             spondents are not ranked) is dimin-  high-profile principal Paul Machado.    Bengaluru which is #6, after a long
             ishing with every passing year. It’s a   Promoted in 1959 by the Congrega-  time.
             sign  of  an  increasingly  progressive   tion of Christian Brothers on a 30-acre   “I am very happy with St. Mary’s,

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