Page 225 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 225
Dr. Francis Swamy (centre): right path Birla High’s Loveleen Saigal: hard work in trying times
Mazgaon’s promotion to #3 in India, reputation for providing holistic edu- together and switched smoothly to
and #2 in Mumbai this year. Although cation. Our philosophy is not only to meet the challenges of online teach-
we are rooted in traditional values, value and respect our heritage and ing. It was a difficult path to tread but
over the years, we have evolved into traditions, but add to them. Our teach- we were determined to ensure learn-
a progressive 21st century all-boys ers are encouraged to attend profes- ing continuity for all our children.
school. I am especially pleased that sional development programmes and I’m especially pleased that your re-
our high scores are on the parameters workshops. This has enabled them spondents have rated the school #2
of academic reputation, co-curricular to continuously raise academic and for academic reputation as our stu-
and sports education — indicative co-curricular standards. Moreover, dents have consistently excelled in
of our philosophy of ensuring well- the pandemic has been a big learning class X and XII board exams,” says
rounded education. Our boys excel experience for our faculty. The disrup- Loveleen Saigal, principal of Birla
in the ICSE board exam, ASSET test tion has been transformed into new High School for Boys (estb.1941)
and Olympiads and routinely win ICT-enabled best practices,” says Fr. which has 2,365 students mentored
state and even national sports tour- Fernandes. by 195 teachers.
naments — St. Mary’s football and Beyond the Top 5, two Kolkata Beyond the Top 10 league table
cricket teams are among the best in schools — Birla High School for of India’s 53 sufficiently well-known
Mumbai — and inter-school cultural Boys, Moira Street (#20 in 2019- all-boys schools, several institutions
festivals. Our higher rank this year 20) and Calcutta Boys School have improved their ranking in 2020-
shows that we are on the right path of (16) — have risen in public recogni- 21. Among them St. James School,
providing integrated education to our tion and are ranked in the national Kolkata, ranked #15 (32), Baldwin
students even in the pandemic era,” Top 10 for the first time. Ditto DAV Boys, Bengaluru #17 (26), M.C.
says Fr. (Dr.) Francis Swamy, an Boys Senior Secondary School, Kejriwal Vidyapeeth, Howrah at
alumnus of Mumbai University and Mogappair, Chennai, which has #19 (45), Don Bosco School, Sili-
former principal of Holy Family High been promoted from #15 in 2019-20 guri #23 (40) and St. Francis’ Col-
School & Junior College, Mumbai who to #9 this year. The Top 10 table is lege, Lucknow #26 (42).
was appointed principal of St. Mary’s, completed by NASR Boys, Hyder- With the great majority of latter-
Mazgaon in 2015. abad at #10 (10) jointly with Don day schools promoted as co-ed in-
Unsurprisingly, Fr. Sunil Cletus Bosco High School, Matunga, stitutions, the EW Boys Day Schools
Fernandes, principal of St. Joseph’s Mumbai (12). Rankings 2020-21 is dominated by
Boys’ High School, Bengaluru (SJB- “We are jubilant to receive this vintage missionary institutions pro-
HS, estb.1858), ranked a modest #11 news in these depressing pandemic moted in an earlier era. They include
in 2019-20, is delighted by this vin- times. Credit for this huge promo- La Martiniere Boys College, Luc-
tage CISCE-affiliated K-12 school’s tion should accrue to the hard work, know at #11 (estb.1869), St. Vin-
promotion to the national Top 5 table dedication and commitment of our cent’s School, Pune (1867) #21,
and #1 rank in Bengaluru. “This year’s teachers and staff in these very trying St. Edmund’s School, Shillong
#1 ranking in Bengaluru is highly mo- times. From the time we sensed that a (1916) #25, and St. Lawrence High
tivational and enhances our excellent lockdown was coming, we got our act School, Kolkata (1937) #29.