Page 245 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 245

mar, a maths postgraduate of Kerala                               sha Vidyalaya Sangathan (OAVS) —
             University and currently principal of                             an unprecedented initiative launched
             KV, Pattom (estb.1964) which has an                               in 2015 by the Biju Janata Dal (BJD)
             aggregate enrolment of 4,500 stu-                                 government of Odisha to establish one
             dents mentored by 117 teachers on its                             CBSE English-medium class VII-XII
             muster rolls.                                                     school in each of the state’s 314 dis-
                Although the seating order at the                              tricts.
             Top 5 table of government schools has                               “We are delighted that OAV, Hati-
             been rearranged because of the entry                              ota is ranked India’s #5 government
             of two previously unranked schools,                               day school within a span of four years
             it’s noteworthy that this year’s Top                              since we admitted our first batch in
             15 continues to be dominated by the                               2016.  Although  the school is  doing
             Central government’s well-funded                                  really well and has 166 boys and 256
             Kendriya Vidyalayas. Ten KVs are                                  girls instructed by 117 teachers, all
             ranked in the 22-strong league table                              our 214 OAVs have quickly adapted to
             of government day schools with the                                provide technologies-enabled learn-
             previously  unranked  KV, Cochin                                  ing environments to our students in
             making an impressive debut within                                 the Covid-19 pandemic era. We have
             the Top 10 at #6.                WSMP’s Kerkar: impressive debut  integrated our robust ERP and OAV
                However the Delhi state govern-                                website  with  Moocs  and  SWAYAM,
             ment which allocates a larger share of   into the country’s best government   e-CBSE, e-Pathshala, Diksha, Khan
             its budget to education than any other   school,” vows Bageshree Kerkar,   Academy, AQAD and Mind spark
             state is giving the KVs stiff competi-  an alumna of Bombay and Maharash-  apps. By December, we intend to com-
             tion. Four RPVVs are ranked among   tra Open universities and principal of   plete construction of the remaining
             the Top 10 in 2020-21.           WSMP.                            100 OAVs and additionally develop a
                Refreshingly because of continu-  Proof that state governments are   model school in Bhubaneswar which
             ous flight of students from govern-  beginning — even if belatedly — to   will share best practices with other
             ment to private schools, even local   accord serious attention to raising   OAVs,” says  Lingraj Panda, IAS,
             governments are upgrading and im-  teaching-learning standards in K-12   state project director, OAV Sangathan.
             proving their schools. A case in point   education is provided by the spectacu-  It’s self-evident that raising teach-
             is the  Worli  Seaface Mumbai    lar Top 5 debut of Odisha Adarsha   ing-learning standards and learning
             Public English School  (WSMP,    Vidyalaya, Hatiota (OAV-H), one of   outcomes in the country’s 1.2 million
             estb.2000) of the Municipal Corpo-  214 CBSE-affiliated schools promoted   government K-12 schools in which 53
             ration of Greater Mumbai which has   under the aegis of the Odisha Adar-  percent of India’s 260 million children
             made an impressive Top 5 table debut
             at #4.                           OAVS advisor Bijaya Sahoo (left) with chief minister  Naveen Patnaik. Inset: Panda
                “Ours is perhaps the first municipal
             school ever to be ranked in the Top 5.
             We thank our teachers and non-teach-
             ing staff and especially BMC educa-
             tion officer Mahesh Palkar, for their
             dedication and hard work. Following
             a major renovation drive recently, we
             are now able to provide our students
             a stimulating ICT (information com-
             munications technologies)-enabled
             learning environment. After the Co-
             vid-19 outbreak forced mass closure
             of schools countrywide, our teachers
             were able to quickly switch to online
             classes delivered on digital platforms
             such as Zoom, Diksha, WhatsApp and
             Telegram apps and MCGM channel.
             We will continue to improve our on-
             line teaching techniques to mature

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