Page 248 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 248


             tilal Nehru School of Sports                                          their all-round development and
             (MNSS, estb.1975) sited on a                                          preparation for life after school,”
             300-acre campus in Sonipat, es-                                       says Moushumi Ghoshal, an
             tablished by the Haryana state                                        English and education alumna of
             government. Hitherto for the past                                     Kurukshetra University and vice
             12 years, the superbly equipped                                       principal of this unique school
             MNSS was included in the cat-                                         which has nurtured 14 national
             egory of co-ed boarding schools                                       sports champions in volleyball,
             and ranked #20 in 2019-20.                                            gymnastics and basketball.
             This year, this wholly residential                                      That some state governments
             CBSE-affiliated school with 850                                       have learned from the Centre’s
             students mentored by 48 teach-                                        initiative to promote JNVs is
             ers and 18 professional coaches                                       reflected in this year’s govern-
             has — at its request — been trans- MNSS’ Ghoshal: champions nursery   ment boarding schools league
             ferred to the government board-                                       table. Several state government
             ing schools category.            IV-XII co-ed school. Our high scores   boarding schools are ranked among
                “We are thrilled to be ranked #2   under the parameters of teacher  wel-  the Top 5. Among them: Simultala
             all-India in our new and correct cat-  fare and competence, co-curricular   Awasiya Vidyalaya, Jamui (Bi-
             egory for the first time. Although we   and sports education as also interna-  har) and Odisha Adarsha Vidya-
             are designated a sports education in-  tionalism testify to the holistic educa-  laya, Patharchepa, Balangir.
             stitution, we are a full-fledged class   tion we provide to our students for      Paromita Sengupta

              India’s Top 10 Government Boarding Schools

                Rank                              Teacher welfare &   development (125)  Competence of faculty (200)  Academic reputation (150)  Co-curricular education (100)  Sports education (100)  Curriculum & pedagogy   Individual attention to   students (100)  Leadership / management   Safety & hygiene (90)  Infrastructure provision (100)  Internationalism (60)  Pastoral care (65)  Value for money (80)  Community service (60)  TOTAL SCORE (1500)   CISCE/CBSE Exams  Avera
              2017  2018  2019  2020                                  (150)   quality (120)

             4   1   3   1   Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV),
                          Chennithala, Alappuzha, Kerala   106   169  132  75  78   106   72   103   73  77  26  51  75  44   1187   90.12
             16   17  20   2   Motilal Nehru School of Sports,
                          Rai, Sonipat           105   164  110  78  93   105   73   102   74  83  30  46  74  43   1179   81.79
             NR  NR  NR  3   JNV, Bagalur, Bengaluru Urban    104   165  133  74  82   104   70   101   66  75  25  48  74  41   1162   91.41
             1  2   2  4   Oak Grove School, Dehradun   102   163  129  74  76   102   64   99   58  80  27  53  73  44   1142   NS
             NR  NR  NR   5   Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya,
                          Patharchepa, Balangir   103   164  132  71  65   101   68   102   65  76  25  46  73  45   1136   78.30
             2   3   1   5   Simultala Awasiya Vidyalaya,
                          Jamui, Bihar           103   164  134  75  72   103   66   100   56  76  25  49  73  40   1136   NS
             6   6   4   6   JNV, Gachibowli (Telangana)   101   162  129  72  67   101   64   98   59  73  21  49  72  40   1107   90.70
             3   4   5   7   JNV, Chendayad, Kannur, Kerala   101   161  131  75  63   100   64   98   58  70  25  46  72  41  1104   89.86
             5   5   6   8   JNV, Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)   100   161  125  67  61   98   67   97   57  72  23  53  71  43   1094   NS
             7   7   7   9   JNV, Neriamangalam,
                          PO Ernakulam           100   160  126  68  64   97   66   97   59  73  22  47  70  38   1087   89.53
             8   8   8   10   JNV, Samastipur (Bihar)   98   156  128  66  60   96   65   96   56  76  21  44  68  39   1069   89.55
             NR  NR  10   11   JNV, Karim Nagar   97   158  128  69  63   96   54   96   60  76  21  39  67  40   1064   NS
             NR  NR   9   12   JNV, Chittoor     99   159  125  68  76   97   57   96   42  72  22  42  68  39   1062   NS
             NR  NR  NR  13   JNV, Pathanamthitta (Kerala)   95   157  128  66  60   94   65   94   56  76  21  44  64  38   1058   87.26
             NR  NR  NR  14   JNV Pimpale, Pune   96   156  125  68  76   95   57   95   42  72  22  42  63  40   1049   88.20
             * CBSE class XII= Blue   NS=Not Submitted

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