Page 251 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 251

Fionika Sanghvi: scepticism to surprise & satisfaction  Sanchetna, Noida’s Chatterjee (right): continuous advancement

             try’s #1 special needs school with top   Fionika  Sanghvi,  principal  Noida #8 (9), Aatman Academy,
             score on four of  ten parameters of   of SPJ Sadhana School, Mumbai   Thane  #9 (7) and the previously
             special needs education excellence.   (estb.1973) — “the country’s first spe-  unranked Srishti Child Develop-
                “This promotion to #1 is a matter   cialist school that nurtures severely   ment & Learning Institute, Delhi
             of great pride for TABIS and we would   challenged children through utilisa-  and Sunderji Institute of Special
             like to thank your sample respondents   tion of innovative therapies and peda-  School, Pune (7) jointly ranked #10.
             for taking note of the commitment of   gogies” — is satisfied that the school   Sharmila Chatterjee, principal
             our teachers and staff to provide new   has maintained its Top 5 ranking. “We   of  Sanchetna, Noida (estb.2009)
             technologies-enabled learning envi-  thank your respondents for recognis-  — promoted by the Billabong High
             ronments. Our latest initiative is to   ing the commitment and passion of   International  School,  Noida  over  a
             offer our students the more flexible   our highly qualified teachers and staff,   decade ago —  is delighted with the
             IGCSE programme of the UK-based   and look to higher ranked schools to   school’s continuous rise in the special
             Cambridge International board from   share their best practices with us. It   needs schools league table. “Our im-
             the new academic year beginning   will motivate us to strive towards con-  proved rank this year reaffirms that
             June 2021. This gives our students the   tinuous improvement. The Covid-19   we are moving in the right direction.
             option to choose between the national   pandemic has forced us to devise on-  The credit for this should be given to
             NIOS and an international curricu-  line pedagogies which is not an option   our teachers as also to our pupils and
             lum,” says Piya Marker, an educa-  for CWSN in normal circumstances.   parents for reposing their faith and
             tion postgraduate with specialisation   But there has been a visible attitudinal   trust in us. I’m especially pleased that
             in learning disabilities of SNDT Uni-  shift from scepticism to surprise and   we are top-ranked under the param-
             versity, Mumbai, and director-head of   satisfaction from our parents commu-  eter of rehabilitation as this is a core
             school.                          nity to our online academic and voca-  priority of our vision and values,” says
                In the Top 5 table Tamana Au-  tional programmes, which are show-  Chatterjee, an alumna of Delhi Uni-
             tism Centre — School of Hope,    ing excellent results,” says Sanghvi,   versity  and  Indian Institute of Hu-
             Delhi promoted  in 1992  by cel-  an education and commerce alumna   man Rights, New Delhi. Currently,
             ebrated educationist Dr. Shayama   of Bombay and Madhya Pradesh Bhoj   Sanchetna has 52 students and 17
             Chona, retains its #2 ranking with   universities, with a diploma in educa-  teachers on its muster rolls.
             top scores under the parameters of   tion from the Rehabilitation Council   Further down the league table of
             teacher welfare & development, teach-  of India, Delhi. Currently, SPJ Sadha-  India’s most respected special needs
             er competence and leadership quality.   na School, Mumbai has 127 students   schools, most institutions have mar-
             However, the Academy for Severe   mentored by 42 teachers and staff.  ginally ceded rank because of the de-
             Handicaps and Autism, Bengal-       The Top 10 table of special needs   but of two previously unranked insti-
             uru (ASHA, estb.1995), ranked #1 in   schools is completed by the Sweekar   tutions — Shristi Child Development
             2019-20 has been voted #3 this year,   Academy of Rehabilitation Sci-  & Learning Institute, Delhi at #10 and
             followed by SPJ Sadhana School,   ences, Secunderabad ranked #6   Brindavan Education Centre, Benga-
             Mumbai  #4 (4) and Mata Bhag-    (#5 in 2019-20) followed by  Asha   luru at #18 .
             wanti Chadha Niketan (MBCN),     Kiran Special Needs  School,
             Noida (4) completing the Top 5 table.  Bengaluru  #7 (6),  Sanchetna,             Paromita Sengupta

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