Page 257 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 257
coaching industry in which only the important for private education about the future of Indian education
best survive. providers to play for the long run, and the national resolve and capability
There are some excellent teach- and focus on ethical wealth creation. to develop the country’s abundant high
ers in coaching institutes and they I say this with enormous serious- potential human resources?
are paid very handsomely. This is a ness, because one hears many stories I am an incorrigible optimist so
market-oriented solution working to of purportedly not-for- profit private maybe you’re addressing this ques-
prepare and equip students for the schools and institutions being used tion to the wrong person. You will
engineering industry, medical pro- as vehicles for diverting sums away very rarely hear a pessimistic answer
fession and even the civil services. from education into other sectors from me.
We need many private sector players and enterprises.
who bring quality into education. That’s why ethical wealth cre- What about national resolve? Is there
For instance, the school and col- ation is important in the context sufficient will? Because as we discussed
lege rankings published by Educa- of education and private education through the interview, education is not
tionWorld and other publications. institutions. They need to inspire moving up the agenda of any political
Parents look at these very carefully trust. Ethical wealth creation — the party or even society...
because they are certification of marriage of the invisible hand of I disagree. The National
quality. It is another market-orient- markets supported by the hand of Education Policy 2020 is based
ed solution. As in the case of ratings trust — is crucial, especially in the on recommendations of the
for financial instruments which education sector. Kasturirangan Committee which
guide investors, school rankings help comprised eminent educationists
parents who are possibly making a Private education providers including Dr. Manjul Bharghava,
far more important investment — professor of mathematics at
in the education of their children. should focus on ethical Princeton University. The inclusion
These are illustrations of how the wealth creation... One hears of stalwarts like these to craft NEP
market and private enterprise can 2020 is indicative of the seriousness
play important roles in education. many stories of purportedly the Central government accords to
The standard argument against this is not-for-profit private I believe that NEP 2020 has
that poor people can’t afford private institutions being used the ingredients for revolutionising
coaching and education... Indian education. Now we need to
That’s why the bang for the buck as vehicles for diverting focus on implementing it. In this
argument is important. Think about connection, the key message I want
it as a thought experiment. If consis- sums away from education to convey to parents is to monitor
tently low-performing government into other sectors and administration and governance
schools are closed down and parents of your children’s schools. Ask
are given coupons equivalent to the enterprises the right questions and demand
amount government spends on chil- accountability. This is more
dren in these schools, they would be important than pouring money
able to send their children to private So would I be correct in interpreting that into education. If parents or parent
schools where they would get better your advice to private institutions is that groups assume the responsibility
education. they should inspire trust? of asking questions of the school
Absolutely. I’m saying it explic- administration and thereby keep
That’s a very good point, because the itly. This is my message to Indian their administrators on their toes to
reality is that in public schools, per capita industry and education institutions. deliver high-quality education for
expenditure is perhaps higher than in Education brands that inspire trust their children, it will become easy
private schools… — Harvard, Yale, Chicago — have to implement the new education
I’m aware of that. And that’s why I’m won the trust of government and policy. Our research indicates that in
stating this. That’s why governance their communities by playing for the schools where parental involvement
and administration of government long run. This is something that our is high, learning outcomes are better.
schools — especially state and lo- education institutions need to learn Citizens need to ask questions on
cal government schools — is very if they want autonomy and freedom. governance with teachers being
critical and political parties need to They should ensure that the labour asked to teach and teach properly.
pay greater attention to improving of love that they’re investing in These are the ground level reali-
governance in public education. But schools and HEIs (higher educa- ties and issues that parents need to
at the same time, while I’m in favour tion institutions) benefits the next concentrate on. Organisations like
of the invisible hand of market being generation and several generations yours need to really take these issues
allowed full play, the hand of trust of after. Trust is something that has to to parents at the grassroots, not only
private schools is equally important. be accorded high premium. Aspira- in the English, but vernacular media.
Education is an intangible tion to growing rich quick is the Last mile implementation, adminis-
product. You get to discern its value shortcut to jail — in industry and tration and governance can hugely
only after 10-12 years when children education. improve the quality of education
write school-leaving competitive dispensed in education institutions,
examinations. Therefore, it’s really Last question. How optimistic are you especially schools.