Page 39 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 39


             Huge contribution to

             Development Journalism

                                                                          A.S. SEETHARAMU

                       Y ASSOCIATION WITH EDUCATIONWORLD       Several causes — ECCE, vocational
                       which celebrates its 21st anniversary this
                       month, precedes the birth of this news mag-  and special needs education, teacher
             Mazine  which  has  positively  impacted  Indian   education and learning outcomes in
             education across the spectrum, and has aroused national
             awareness about the critical importance of human capi-  the broadest sense — championed by
             tal development. In 1999 when I was professor of educa-  EducationWorld are included in NEP 2020
             tion at the Institute for Social & Economic Change (ISEC,
             estb.1972), I met Dilip Thakore, then editor of a magazine
             named School, a publication with modest ambitions but   percent of India’s in-school children, they also benchmark
             even more modest resources that featured a cover story on   themselves with best institutions and practices worldwide.
             ISEC. I was impressed to learn that he was the founding-  Thus private sector education institutions play the vitally
             editor of Business India and Businessworld — India’s first   important role of improving overall teaching-learning stan-
             two business magazines — and I was delighted to learn that   dards and raising the floor of Indian education.
             he intended to replicate his experience of liberalising and   However the outreach of EW to education practitioners,
             deregulating Indian education as he had done for industry   government and the intelligentsia is far from adequate not-
             and business. A year later when he promoted Education-  withstanding the initiatives, effort and investment of time
             World I readily provided advice on education issues to the   and other resources made by this publication. This can be
             new publication.                                 attributed to the nonchalant mindset of stakeholders in
                Since then I have been an adviser and consultant to EW   education smug with existential contentment, disinterest
             providing statistical data on a variety of diverse subjects   in public issues and replete with self-oriented worldview.
             and education issues. Over the years my admiration for this   I believe the EW management needs to adopt aggressive
             rigorously written and edited magazine based on hard data   marketing strategies to reach teachers associations, institu-
             and evidence that provides a wealth of insights in support   tional administrators and institutions of legal, medical, civil
             of its causes and arguments, has grown.          service and management education who could serve as use-
                My relationship with EducationWorld has persisted for   ful platforms to disseminate the message of this mission-
             over two decades because throughout my academic career   driven publication.
             I had advocated ‘quality with equity’ in school, higher and   nother especially praiseworthy initiative of Education-
             professional education through my writings, public lectures   AWorld is the presentation of an alternative human capi-
             and teaching. I believed — and continue to believe — that   tal development budget concurrently with the Union Bud-
             universalisation of ECCE (early childhood care and edu-  get every year. This alternative budget began as an exercise
             cation) and vocational education for skills development,   to provide a financial roadmap to the Union government to
             inclusion of children with special needs, professional de-  mobilise revenue for building essential lib-lab-lav (library,
             velopment of teachers and creating linkages between edu-  laboratory and lavatory) infrastructure in the country’s
             cation institutions and rural and industrial development   1.20 million under-served government schools. With this
             programmes, are the prerequisites of a successful national   author providing research data indicating the total number
             development effort. These causes have been dedicatedly   of government schools deficient in this vital infrastructure,
             championed by EducationWorld for 21 years, with consid-  unprecedentedly EW has been suggesting ways and means
             erable success.                                  to fund a national education rejuvenation programme.
                In the circumstances it’s heartening to note that ECCE,   In the latest alternative budget presented by Educa-
             vocational and special needs education, intent to upgrade   tionWorld, ways and means of raising an additional Rs.8
             teacher education and professional development, and need   lakh crore for one-time investment in preschool and K-12
             to focus on learning outcomes in the broadest sense, are   education is presented (see It’s
             given high priority in the National Education Policy (NEP)   a pity that there’s been no official or academic response to
             2020.                                            the several alternative human capital development budgets.
                Another worthy cause that has been fearlessly embraced   Be that as it may, it’s undeniable that during the course
             by EducationWorld is to accord privately promoted educa-  of 21 years of uninterrupted publishing, EW has made a
             tion institutions from preschool to universities, their place   huge contribution to development journalism. It now needs
             in the sun and to free them of red tape and vexatious regula-  to expand its reach and valuable message to accord prime
             tion by Central and state government bureaucracies. This   importance to developing the country’s abundant human
             was an overdue and important initiative because contrary   capital.
             to popular belief propagated by Left academics and arm-  (Dr. A.S. Seetharamu is former professor of education, Institute of Social &
             chair critics, private schools not only teach and mentor 47.5   Economic change, Bengaluru)

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