Page 44 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 44
This year the co-ed
day schools league
table which rates 1,700
primary-secondaries on
14 parameters of school
education excellence is the
lengthiest since the EWISR
was introduced in 2007
hat the largest league table in
the annual EducationWorld
India School Rankings (EW-
TISR) is always of co-ed day
schools is socially positive testimony
that despite the daily horror stories of
sexual violence visited upon women
and girl citizens, Indian society is de-
terminedly moving forward towards
the constitutional goal of gender par- HXLS’ Manit Jain: convention defiance outcome
ity. This year the co-ed day schools
league table, which rates 1,700 pri- However at the head of top table, students who always do us proud.
mary-secondaries on 14 parameters there is no change. The highly-ac- During the past 15 years, our team
of school education excellence, is the claimed Heritage Xperiential at HXLS has worked tirelessly to re-
lengthiest since the annual EWISR Learning School, Gurugram/ imagine education and make it rel-
was introduced way back in 2007. Gurgaon (HXLS) has retained evant for the times we live in. At the
Although over the years EWISR has its #1 ranking, albeit by a razor thin start of our transformational journey
evolved into the world’s largest and margin ahead of the venerable Vas- almost two decades ago, our unfamil-
most detailed schools assessment ant Valley School, Delhi and Step iar pedagogy was questioned by sev-
and evaluation project, it’s pertinent by Step, Noida, jointly ranked #2. eral eminent educationists. Looking
to note that all told, a mere 2,300 of Inventure Academy, Bengaluru back I am glad we stuck to our guns
the country’s 1.5 million sufficiently retains its 2019-20 #3 rank and is and convictions to defy convention to
well-known schools of good repute are tied with The Shri Ram School, develop a unique experiential learn-
included in annual EW league tables. Vasant Vihar/Moulsari, also ing school, though I’m conscious that
Against this backdrop, this year ranked #3. The remaining seats at the we still have a long way to go. Yet the
there’s been a minor rearrangement rather crowded Top 5 table of co-ed major lesson that we have learnt is
of seating at the Top 5 table of the day schools 2020-21 are filled with to never stop learning. We remain
country’s most admired co-ed day Vidyashilp Academy and the Val- focused on continuously improving
schools. The Top 5 actually comprise ley School both in Bengaluru tied at and contemporising our pedagogy
nine schools because of several tied #4 and Smt. Sulochanadevi Sing- and programmes to ensure that every
total scores and a new outlier, viz, hania, Thane (Mumbai) and Mal- child in our school gets an education
Vidyashilp Academy, Bengaluru (aka lya Aditi, Bengaluru tied at #5. that empowers her to live a fulfilling
Bangalore) which has ascended in the “We are absolutely delighted and and meaningful life,” says Manit
esteem of this year’s sample respon- honoured to learn that HXLS has re- Jain, an alumnus of the blue chip
dents who have promoted it to #4 tained its top ranking this year. I am Harvard School of Education, USA
from #9 last year. grateful to our teachers, parents and and promoter-director of HXLS