Page 48 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 48


             stances of institutions that have risen   less vulnerable to harassment by gov-  stakeholders to note that although a
             high in the esteem of this year’s in-  ernment regulatory agencies, and as-  school may be modestly ranked na-
             formed sample respondents are nu-  sorted fringe groups and meddlesome   tionally it will inevitably be highly
             merous.                          parents and individuals.         ranked in its host city. For instance,
                This phenomenon underlines the   A last word. It’s important for   Elpro  International ranked #21
             social obligation of self-respecting   schools modestly ranked in this   nationally is the #1 co-ed day school
             schools to raise their public profiles   lengthy league table to bear in mind   in the highly industrialised city of
             through advertising, public relations   that there are 1.5 million primary/  Pune (pop.6.6 million) and #7 in
             and brand-building initiatives. Al-  secondary schools in India. There-  Maharashtra (pop.115 million). Simi-
             though in the self-abnegating socialist   fore, being listed in the EWISR 2020-  larly, the City Montessori School,
             lexicon, advertising and brand build-  21 league table is per se a certificate   Lucknow ranked #28 in India is #1
             ing is a cardinal sin, this unwarranted   of distinction. Secondly, institution-  in Lucknow (pop.3.6 million million)
             piety is obsolete. It is submitted that   al managements, especially of day   and Uttar Pradesh (pop.215 million).
             in the emerging liberalised economy,   schools should note  that  national   Such examples of high, more rel-
             it is incumbent upon the manage-  rankings are not nearly as important   evant civic rankings abound in the
             ments of schools — and higher edu-  as city/town rank followed by state   EWISR  2020-21  co-ed  day  schools
             cation institutions — to build strong   and national rankings in that order.   league table. Therefore institutional
             brands through advertising, public   For day schools national league tables   managements, parents and students
             relations and outreach campaigns.   with detailed parameter scores at best   are cautioned to carefully study the
             Education institutions with brand   serve as benchmarks for upgrading   painstakingly compiled and globally
             equity not only attract best students   and improvement.          unprecedented league tables featured
             and faculty, but also alumni bequests   Moreover, it’s also important for   in this issue to avoid rushing to rash
             and endowments. Moreover they are   school managements, parents and all   conclusions.

                              EWISR 2020-21 SURVEY COVERS SCHOOLS IN 311 CITIES/TOWNS


                                                                                     Tier ll, lll & lV cities

             48    EDUCATIONWORLD   NOVEMBER 2020
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53