Page 47 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 47
middlemen so that farmers receive
fair market prices. VA is also a mem-
ber of Unesco’s Happy Schools Project
that encourages online research and
debate on the subject of happiness
between students around the world.
Moreover, we have signed a teacher
exchange programme with the Uni-
versity of Missouri, USA under which
their education students can come to
teach in VA on short-term teaching as-
signments,” says Selvi, a science and
education postgraduate of Bangalore
Likewise US-born Anjum Ba-
bukhan, who migrated to Hyderabad
after her marriage to take charge of
the Glendale Group of schools pro-
moted by her in-laws, is enthused by
the promotion of the flagship Glen- Vidyashilp’s Dr. Kiran Pai (right) & Kalai Selvi: holistic education validation
dale Academy (GA, estb.2003)
into the national Top 10 (#8), and #1 an institution committed to continu- universities. Currently, GA has 2,200
rank in Telangana and the fast-track ous improvement and betterment and boys and girls mentored by 200 fac-
city of Hyderabad (pop.10 million). it’s highly gratifying that your knowl- ulty.
This year’s sample respondents have edgeable sample respondents have A notable feature of the lengthy EW-
awarded Glendale Academy excellent acknowledged our persistent institu- ISR 2020-21 co-ed day schools league
scores under the parameters of indi- tional effort towards cultivating the table is the massive promotion into
vidual attention to students, parental character, competence and holistic the Top 10 awarded to several schools,
involvement, infrastructure, interna- development of our students. Our as- apart from Glendale Academy. An-
tionalism and value for money. piration to ‘live, learn, love and leave a other Hyderabad-based school which
“We are ecstatic to be ranked legacy’ has become meaningful for us has risen sharply in public esteem is
among India’s Top 10 in the highly with the #1 rank in Hyderabad,” says Vidyaranya High jointly ranked #8
competitive co-ed day schools catego- Babukhan, a psychology and educa- (#22 in 2019-20). And perhaps even
ry, and #1 in Hyderabad. Glendale is tion alumna of the Loyola and Illinois more spectacular is the huge promo-
tion given to the low-profile Abacus
Glendale Academy’s Anjum Babukhan: persistent development effort
Montessori School, Chennai, pro-
moted to #9 (69) by this year’s sample
respondents. Unfortunately, all efforts
to get a reaction and explanation from
this rising star school proved fruitless.
Even beyond the Top 10, sev-
eral schools have been conferred big
promotions this year. Among them
Strawberry Fields, Chandigarh
ranked #11 (45); Ahlcon Interna-
tional, Delhi #11 (17); DPS, Ro-
hini, Delhi #15 (44); Arya Vidya
Mandir, Mumbai #15 (42); Vega
School, Gurugram #17 (52); El-
pro International, Pune #21 (52);
Kalyani School, Pune #22 (53) and
Bhavan Vidyalaya, Chandigarh
#23 (52). Similarly, down the length
of the massive 1,700-strong list of the
country’s best co-ed day schools, in-