Page 85 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 85
“AI will augment and not replace
the work of educators”
Bhumika Sharma Mr. Shreyaan Daga Payal Pandit Kushal Ghosh
Bussiness Development Head IT Head Operations Head Training Head
umbai-based Clone Futura showcase their skills to millions of learners, logical reasoning. Thus, students learning
Pvt. Ltd. (CFPL) (estd. across the globe - we have had 1 million coding and programming can become bet-
2013), is a technical training online footfall on the website till date. We ter leaders in whatever path they choose.
Mprovider that caters to offer 100 plus trending and skill developing Coding will have a huge demand in the
learning enthusiasts ranging from students workshops ranging from basic courses to upcoming years since it can be applied
aged five and beyond to housewives as expert level workshops and are planning to almost all fields, be it medicine or even
well as senior citizens. The company has to have more. Registrations are open for music. Learning coding etc. will make
two subsidiaries – Whizjuniors, a social learners as well as instructors. OLL has also children future ready and help fill the future
gamified technology and self-based partnered with around 2000 plus schools employment void.
learning platform and Online Live Learning and institutes to provide coding workshops Do you foresee widespread use of
(OLL), an open marketplace that offers as for students as well as teachers. artificial intelligence (AI) in India’s edu-
many as 100 plus live online workshops for What is unique about the OLL product cation sector in the coming years?
professional adults as well as students. as compared to other online learning Given the importance of relationships
OLL, the company’s latest offering platforms and what are your future plans in human development, I believe, AI will
launched this April, is a ‘live learning’ online for the company? augment rather than replace the work of
platform. Bhumika Sharma, co-founder of OLL believes a ‘live’ interactive connec- educators. We will all have to get better at
Online Live Learning’s young four-member tion between the learner and his/her instruc- collaborating with teams that include smart
team, shares the company’s vision and tor paves the way for actual learning. Our machines. However I also believe, despite
future plans. ‘live classes’ have achieved more than other the fact that AI systems have proved to be
What was the motivation behind set- typical learning platforms that only provide good at performing repetitive tasks that
ting up OLL during the pandemic and cookie-cutter solutions of pre-recorded often require elements of human cogni-
what kind of traction has onlinelivelearn- videos. OLL offers learners the option of tive capability, a teachers’ expertise and witnessed since its April 2020 joining inexpensive group batches or one- personal touch will remain essential for our
learners to go to the next level.
launch? on-one private classes at timings suitable What will the long-term impact of the
The pandemic and the ensuing school to the learner. Another value-for-money is pandemic on education in the country?
and college closures posed a real problem the three-month free Whizjuniors subscrip- Transitioning from the traditional to the
for both learners as well as instructors. This tion that enables subscribers to learn many modern style of imparting education would
unique situation gave Shreyaan Daga - a more technology courses of their choice, have taken longer if it was not for the
15-year-old student and the youngest mem- earn points through the gaming experience pandemic. Moving away from the conven-
ber of the OLL team, the idea of building and win exciting prizes too. tional pattern of teaching and learning, the
an online platform to connect tomorrow’s OLL will continue to reach out and help pandemic forced a paradigm shift in the
leaders with the best of today’s instructor. A learners get connected to the next level way teachers teach and students assimilate
platform where anyone can learn and teach towards their true potential. information. Online learning platforms are
new skills ‘Live’. So turning the crisis into an There has been a sudden interest in capable of disseminating knowledge digitally
opportunity we set up OLL in April this year learning coding, python etc. Comment. across the globe ensuring multiple benefits
as an earnest effort to provide uninterrupted Yes, there has been a substantial inter- to multiple learners. This change in educa-
education despite the COVID-19 pandemic. est in coding recently and rightly so since tion pattern will open up newer avenues
Within months, OLL and its partners research has proved that learning program- for both, learners as well as teachers. It
have empowered over three lakh learning ming and coding is beneficial for cognitive will lead to a stronger knowledge-base and
enthusiasts besides helping instructors to development, decision-making as well as pave the way for a better way of learning.