Page 87 - EducationWorld November 2020
P. 87

Lodha World School
                                                  Crea ng Leaders of Tomorrow
                            Lodha World School, under the aegis of the Sitaben Shah Memorial Trust and our Chairman
                            Mrs. Manju Lodha, has a broad presence with one school in Thane, and two in the City of
                            Palava, Dombivli and mul ple campuses in the pipeline in Thane, Mira Road and Palava. These
                            high quality schools cater to residents in all the residen al communi es set up by Lodha.
                            As an organisa on that embraces a child-centred culture, it felt important to absorb a set of
                            values  that  resonates  with  all  our  stakeholders  and  loca on  of  the  school  not  with
       Lodha World School is a kaleidoscope of tradi on, culture, values, and ethnicity that empower pupils, parents and
       educators to realise their poten al and enhance the lives of others.
                                                                                   The academic excellence thrives
                                                                                   at redefine learning experiences
                                                                                   for  the  students  through  a
                                                                                   dis nct  culture  and  philosophy
                                                                                   which the school imbibe through
                                                                                   though ully cra ed markers.
                                                                                   These  markers  help  students
                                                                                   embrace  their  individuality,  their
                                                                                   rights  and  responsibili es  and
                                                                                   learn with a smile on their face.
       Symbio c  learning  blurs  the  line  between  teachers,  pupils  and  everyone
       involved learns something valuable from it. Pupils and teachers develop a
       mutually  beneficial  rela onship.  We  promote  the  learning  experience  in
       various  ways  -  Group  discussions,  project-based  learning,  collabora ve
       learning  using  our  collab  sta on,  providing  pupils  with  the  choice  of
       technology to be used for learning, experien al learning, problem solving
       ac vi es using design thinking are a few of our methods to foster symbio c
       The schools support social and emo onal well-being, so typically we have negligible disciplinary issues, are able to focus
       more on school work, and develop the skill to communicate be er. The format ensures integra on of Life skills, child
       safety programmes, Vipashyana, Shramdaan etc. into the curriculum. The ins tu on has highly qualified counsellors,
       remedial educators available in school to provide that extra care for our pupils, thus enhancing pupils' ability to succeed in
       school and in their lives.
       There  is  significant  difference  between  environmental  awareness  and  environmental  consciousness.  Lodha  World
       Schools have a Green School Policy designed that caters to the same. The students have an opportunity to conduct
       environmental audits within the school premises under the guidance of teachers. This helps them evaluate and iden fy
       environmental issues, try and bridge the gap, if any. The Green School Commi ee works relentlessly to make the schools
       plas c free. Together they work towards, segrega on of waste, recycling waste materials, increasing the flora and fauna
       of the school, organising cleanliness campaigns, plan ng saplings around.
       The ra onale behind design thinking as a pedagogy aims at crea ng and
       facilita ng future innovators and breakthrough thinkers. It is about crea ng
       crea ve  and  collabora ve workflows  engineered  to  tackle  problems  and
       prototyping  to  discover  new  solu ons.  At  Lodha  World  Schools',  with
       students  integra ng  design  thinking  with  core  strength  of  experien al
       learning, the level of engagement and ownership of learning is excep onal.
       While pupils are learning the specific knowledge set required to develop a
       relevant and buildable solu on, they're also developing highly valuable skills
       such as empathy, the ability to collaborate, to deal with ambiguity, and, of
       course, to create.
       At Lodha World Schools, we wish to become a force to reckon within educa on, a brand with deep roots but a broad span
       and girth.
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