Page 40 - EducationWorld Oct 2021
P. 40

Cover Story

             Naveen Jindal: rapid evolution                    Raj Kumar & Peter Schuck (2002): “extraordinary achievements”

             versity of Texas at Dallas, at the time   tor that persuaded me to commit the   Jindal, who took the big risk of
             Jindal  was mourning the  tragic de-  large endowment proposed by him,   bankrolling this young idealist’s
             mise of his father, steel tycoon O. P.   was my assessment of his character   dream of establishing a private uni-
             Jindal, in an airplane crash.    and qualities. I was impressed by his   versity on inhospitable Indian soil
             I     N HIS EVENTFUL LIFETIME,   research, goal clarity and excellent   elite ill-advisedly adopted the “social-
                                              nationalism, commitment, thorough
                                                                               where the post-independence ruling
                                                                               ist pattern of society” and was — and
                   OPJ promoted and estab-
                                              education background. In Raj, I dis-
                   lished the Jindal Group of
                                                                               tion of education”, could perhaps be
                   Steel manufacturing com-   cerned industry-style project execu-  remains — wary of “commercialisa-
                                              tion and implementation capabilities
             panies (Jindal Steel & Power, JSW   which are very unusual in academia.   biased in Raj Kumar’s favour. How-
             Steel, Jindal Stainless Steel, JSW   These considerations prompted me   ever, there’s a consensus within the
             Holdings, Jindal Poly Fine) whose   to accept his proposal to promote   informed academic community that
             aggregate annual revenue is currently   JGU,” recalls Naveen Jindal who   but for Raj Kumar’s grit, determina-
             estimated at $18 billion (Rs.130,000   green-lighted Haryana’s first private   tion  and  extraordinary  project  con-
             crore), as a force to reckon with in the   university (whose establishment re-  ceptualisation and management ca-
             steel industry dominated by the fa-  quired special legislation enacted by   pabilities, JGU would not have got off
             voured public sector Steel Authority   the Haryana legislative assembly)   the ground this fast.
             of India and Tata Steel. But even as   with a massive endowment of Rs.500   “I met Raj in 2001 at the NYU Law
             he grew his empire, OPJ was a gener-  crore (and subsequently another com-  School and we soon began to discuss
             ous philanthropist who promoted over   mitment of Rs.1,000 crore).    his  plans to establish a  world-class
             a dozen high-quality K-12 schools for   Twelve years on, Jindal has no re-  higher education institution in India
             group employees. Therefore Naveen,   gret that he appointed Raj Kumar the   based on his experiences at Oxford,
             chairman of Jindal Steel & Power Ltd   youngest university vice chancellor   Harvard, and research of other great
             (annual revenue: Rs.38,988 crore   in Indian history. “I’m very satisfied   universities. Right from  the  start I
             in 2020-21) was highly receptive to   —  indeed  proud  —  about  the  rapid   was struck by his energy, vision, self-
             Raj Kumar’s proposal to promote an   progress and evolution of JGU into a   confidence, admiration for education
             internationally benchmarked world-  truly world-class institution. Having   leaders he had observed, his ebullient
             class law and liberal arts university in   studied at an excellent university in   personality, affability, and ability to
             memory of the elder Jindal.      the US myself, I was well aware of the   convince others to join him in creative
                “My father had great respect for   deficiencies and drawbacks of India’s   endeavours. In the years that followed,
             India’s  Constitution  and  our  inde-  higher education institutions. But Raj   he  shared  these  commitments  with
             pendent judiciary which has repeat-  has recruited excellent international   me and implemented them step-by-
             edly upheld citizens’ fundamental   and national faculty and built a great   step under a broad master plan that
             rights. Therefore, when Raj very per-  team very quickly to develop JGU   he worked out as he went along. The
             suasively suggested that we promote a   into India’s #1 private university as   speed and year-by-year expansion of
             law, and liberal arts university in my   certified by QS. It’s an extraordinary   the programmes, schools, and campus
             father’s memory, I was attracted by   achievement,” says Jindal, chancellor   were astonishing to me and everyone
             the proposition. But the critical fac-  of JGU, with evident satisfaction.    else who observed them. He proceed-

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