Page 44 - EducationWorld Oct 2021
P. 44

Cover Story

             University College, Oxford: first inspiration     Pratibha Jain & Raj Kumar at Harvard graduation day

             mar.                             tained the possibility of study abroad   which are education institutions for
             A         S  A  POSTGRAD  STU-   Therefore, after ascertaining that all   experience at Oxford was of shock
                                              because of the vast expense involved.
                                                                               serious-minded adults. “My initial
                                              expenses including travel to the UK of
                                                                               and awe. Every space in the univer-
                       DENT  at  Delhi  Univer-
                       sity’s faculty of law, Raj
                                                                               tory. I was completely mesmerised by
                                              scholarship, I submitted my applica-
                       Kumar developed an     Rhodes scholars were covered by the   sity seemed to exude a sense of his-
             abiding interest in study of the law.   tion. To my pleasant surprise, I was   the culture of deep learning, lectures
             “Most of my fellow students at DU   one of the 16 applicants from India to   and the tutorial system evolved over
             were doing law as a stepping stone to   be shortlisted and following an inter-  centuries at Oxford. That’s when the
             careers in the civil services. However,   view in Kolkata on December 12, 1997   seed of a similar globally reputed in-
             I became fascinated with the subject,   — a turning point in my life — was   stitution of research and deep learning
             especially constitutional law. I read all   among six to be awarded a compre-  supplemented by orderly governance,
             the debates of the Constituent assem-  hensive and generous Rhodes schol-  was planted in my mind. My experi-
             bly which drafted the unique Constitu-  arship to read for a postgrad degree   ence at Oxford University was my first
             tion of India that bravely promulgated   in law at University College, Oxford.   inspiration,” says Raj Kumar.
             a full-franchise egalitarian democracy   As the Master Lord Butler — a former   After he was awarded a BCL (bach-
             governed by the rule of law in a largely   home minister of the UK government   elor of civil law) degree by Oxford
             illiterate and under-educated society,   — often reminded us, University Col-  University in 1999, this young scholar
             and enshrined several fundamental   lege (estb.1249) is the oldest college   who was deeply immersed in the study
             rights for all citizens. In Delhi Univer-  in the English-speaking world,” remi-  of law for love of the subject, had little
             sity, I became a votary of the Consti-  nisces Raj Kumar.         difficulty winning two scholarships to
             tution of India and committed to the   Although Indian academics are   read law at the Harvard Law School.
             rule of law,” he recalls.        loath to admit it, there’s a world of   In the millennium year, he was award-
                After graduating from DU with an   difference between universities in   ed an LLM (Master of Laws) degree by
             LLB in 1997 and being certified by   India where higher education to all   arguably the world’s most prestigious
             the Bar Council of India, Raj Kumar   intents and purposes is an extension   law school.
             began his career as a research consul-  of school, and universities in the West   But at Harvard, Raj Kumar learned
             tant with the National Human Rights                               more than just law. “While at Harvard,
             Commission (NHRC). That’s when an   After graduating from DU in   I became aware that the private not-
             opportunity created by the smile of   1997 with a law degree, lady   for-profit model offered by this close
             lady luck presented itself to the young                           to 400-year-old renowned university
             legal scholar. Accompanying a friend,   luck smiled on the young   was most suitable for India,” recalls
             who had applied for an Inlaks scholar-  scholar. He was awarded a   Raj Kumar who was subsequently
             ship for higher study in the UK to Del-                           conferred a Ph D in legal science a de-
             hi’s St. Stephen’s College, Raj Kumar   full Rhodes scholarship to   cade later by the University of Hong
             chanced upon a desk inviting Rhodes   study at Oxford University,   Kong in 2011.
             scholarship applications from India.   UK                           With his education odyssey com-
                “Before that day, I had never enter-                           pleted, on July 7, 2000, Raj Kumar

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