Page 50 - EducationWorld Oct 2021
P. 50
Cover Story
ing skills of its founding vice chan-
cellor, Dr. Raj Kumar,” opines Ben
Sowter, a computer science gradu-
ate of Nottingham University and
currently the London-based senior
vice president of QS.
Although leftie arm-chair crit-
ics who dominate Indian academia
tend to dismiss private universities
as elitist, and by implication of no
consequence because they levy — and
get — tuition and other fees that are
sky-high compared to the grossly
over-subsidised fees charged by pub-
lic higher education institutions, by all
metrics Raj Kumar has fashioned JGU
into a role model globally respected
multi-disciplinary law, social scienc- Vinay Kodali: life-changing experience Sinha: stakeholder management skills
es and liberal arts university in record
time. Defined by its excellent contem- experience. butes which enabled him to persuade
porary digital technologies driven in- “My five years as a student of the Naveen Jindal to make an unprece-
frastructure, the country’s most highly Jindal Global Law School was a won- dented investment in JGU. And since
qualified faculty and contented stu- derful experience beyond all expecta- then over the past decade, he has dis-
dents assured of universal respect for tions. JGU’s culture is highly inclusive played remarkable skill in managing
JGU certification, this young varsity and although it is a liberal institution, and inspiring all stakeholders — fac-
(annual tuition-cum-residential fee: it is very well-governed. A range of di- ulty, students, partner institutions,
Rs.8 lakh with generous means-tested verse electives is offered to students government and rating agencies.
scholarships for over 4,000 students) who can study any subject from its 12 Simultaneously, by writing several
is set to catalyse an overdue teaching- schools as minors. One of my subjects books, numerous newspaper columns,
learning-research revolution within was ‘Women in the Mahabharata’. hosting dozens of seminars, Raj has
India’s moribund higher education It was a life-changing and highly- made an extrordinary contribution to
system. enabling experience,” recalls Vinay raising official and public awareness
“ I HAVE BEEN TEACHING of the Students Council (2017-18). higher education,” says Sinha.
Krishna Kodali, elected president
about the importance of high quality
Currently, Kodali is the promoter-
Meanwhile, on the occasion of
history in the JGLS degree
programme for eight years
gable Dr. Raj Kumar has drawn up
abad, a foods processing company
and it has been a wonderful director of Accio Foods LLP, Hyder- JGU’s 12th anniversary the indefati-
and fulfilling experience. The man- which has “benefitted greatly” from ambitious plans for JGU’s continu-
agement reposes great confidence in his JGU education experience. ous development and evolution in the
faculty which is involved in designing Yet perhaps the most credible en- post-pandemic era. “We will continue
the syllabus and given full freedom to dorsement of the very extraordinary to broaden our multidisciplinary ho-
implement the curriculum,” avers Dr. Dr Raj Kumar is provided by Dr. Pra- rizon by establishing new schools;
Gitanjali Surendran, an alumna of math Raj Sinha, former director at upgrading our campus and increasing
JNU, Oxford and Harvard universi- McKinsey & Co, USA and founding enrolment; strengthening our digital
ties and currently associate professor dean of the blue-chip Indian School infrastructure and governance; strive
of history at the Jindal Global Law of Business, Hyderabad (estb.2002), to improve our institutional ranking
School. promoter-trustee of Ashoka Univer- in global league tables; conduct deep
Likewise, given a wide range of sity, Sonipat and latterly Plaksha Uni- research to help India transform into
electives to choose from while read- versity, Mohali (Punjab). a knowledge society and engage with
ing for majors and permitted free ac- “I’m very impressed but not sur- several communities for nation-build-
cess to lectures of all 12 constituent prised that QS has ranked JGU India’s ing,” vows Raj Kumar.
schools of JGU and assured of pre- #1 private university. Right from the That’s an ambitious wishlist. But
ferred internships and placements, start when I met Raj in 2002, I was given the very extraordinary Dr Raj
Kumar’s wish fulfillment track record,
JGU students also express high sat- impressed by his grit, determina- fasten your seat belts.
isfaction with their higher education tion and communication skills, attri-