Page 53 - EducationWorld Oct 2021
P. 53

of the world’s most respected uni-  tion? How prepared is JGU to implement   rating with 1,200 public, corporate
             versities are academic freedom and   these reforms?               and non-profit organisations in India
             institutional autonomy; multidisci-  The National Education Policy (NEP)   and abroad. This office also enables
             plinary and interdisciplinary learn-  2020 heralds a new imagination for   students to take the entrepreneur-
             ing culture; merit-based transparent   the Indian higher education system.   ial option and promote their own
             admissions process; international   It contains inspiring vision and po-  ventures.
             outlook; outstanding faculty com-  tential to nurture world-class univer-  Our sustained effort in ensuring
             prising inspiring teachers; strong   sities and higher education institu-  satisfactory placements for our grad-
             culture of research and publication;   tions in India. However, this vision   uates has been recognised externally.
             respect for institutional accredita-  requires commitment to implement   In QS Graduate Employability Rank-
             tion and rankings; a not-for-profit   the systemic and sustainable reforms   ings 2022, JGU is ranked among
             ethos; and diverse, inclusive faculty   envisaged by NEP 2020. Also, the   the Top 500 universities worldwide
             and students communities.        proposal to establish an Atmanirbhar   making us the youngest and the only
                                              University and Atmanirbhar Higher   Indian university focused on social
             Despite its young age, JGU is currently   Education system in India is truly   sciences, arts and humanities to be
             ranked India’s #1 private university by QS,   inspiring. It combines the vision of   included in the international employ-
             London and #3 by EducationWorld. How   John Henry Newman’s ‘Idea of a   ability rankings league table.
             important in your opinion are indepen-  University’ with the Humboldtian
             dent external institutional rankings?   imagination of modern research uni-  What are the management’s plans for the
             Independent institutional rankings   versities to create multidisciplinary,   expansion and development of JGU in the
             frameworks have become indica-   democratic, inclusive, aspirational   post-pandemic years?
             tors of institutional quality. They   and international higher education   During the past 12 years, JGU has
             measure the real-world impact of   institutions.                  grown from one school with 112
             universities and success as knowl-   JGU already embodies much    students to 12 schools with over
             edge creators. Therefore, it’s very   of what has been envisaged in the   8,200 students, and over 910 faculty
             important that Indian universities   NEP2020 for universities in India.   members with the Jindal School of
             embrace rankings frameworks and   Therefore, as a young, agile and   Languages & Literature and Jindal
             accreditation processes that bench-  evolving institution, JGU is ready   School of Public Health and Human
             mark them against universities in   to implement further reforms if   Development being the latest addi-
             India and around the world.      required, to be 100 percent aligned   tions.
                We are proud to be ranked     with the goals set for Indian universi-  As we move forward into our
             India’s #1 private university in QS   ties in NEP 2020.           second decade, we will continue to
             World University Rankings and #3                                  expand as a world-class multidisci-
             by EducationWorld. I believe that   Industry receptivity, aka placements, is an   plinary university. This programme
             commitment to fair and objective   important measure of academic excel-  includes establishment of new
             ranking league tables prompt educa-  lence. How satisfied are you with JGU’s   schools; physical expansion and up-
             tion institutions to identify areas for   placements record?      gradation of our campus; strengthen-
             innovation and improvement so that   As a young 12-year-old non-STEM   ing digital governance; raising our
             we can provide our students the best   university, JGU has had to work   rankings to evolve into a respected
             possible education.              intelligently to ensure suitable place-  world-class institution; engagement
                                              ments for our graduates. To this   in research to build a knowledge
             What’s your take on the National Educa-  end, we have established a dedicated   society; development of global per-
             tion Policy (NEP) 2020 which proposes   Office of Career Services which has   spectives; and engagement with the
             wide-ranging reforms in higher educa-  played an important role in collabo-  community for nation-building.

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