Page 12 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
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             FIRST POSITIVE REPORT ON PRIVATE SCHOOLS                          Policy (NEP) 2020 which was official-
                                                                               ly released seven days later on July 29.
                                                                               NEP 2020 has set inspirational goals
                  he  private  schools  in  india    this elusive explanation and in the   and has ideated several path-breaking
                  report (PSIR) 2020, jointly re-  process, convincingly rebuts official   initiatives such as according high pri-
             Tleased by the Delhi-based Cen-  anti-private schools defamation. For   ority to early childhood education and
             tral Square Foundation and Omidyar   one, PSIR proves that the great ma-  universal foundational learning and
             Network India on July 22 proclaims   jority of private schools are not elite   numeracy, and has proposed several
             — for the first time — the huge con-  institutions patronised by children of   intelligent governance reforms. How-
             tribution that India’s much maligned   the rich and famous. Seventy percent   ever it again exposes the unwarranted
             private schools have made to the na-  of them levy tuition fees of less than   prejudice that the neta-babu brother-
             tional development effort.       Rs.1,000 per month, and 45 percent   hood and the Left-dominated acade-
                The official line supported by the   less than Rs.500 ($6.66), says the re-  my entertains towards private schools.
             academy and media infiltrated with   port.                        NEP 2020 reiterates the intent of
             Left ideologues and fellow travellers,   For the first time,  PSIR reveals   government to protect “parents and
             is that the country’s private schools   the truth that India’s private schools   communities” from allegedly “com-
             are elite institutions that shut out   provide arguably the world’s most af-  mercial practices” of private schools
             children of the majority through high   fordable private education with con-  and higher education institutions.
             tuition  fees  and  discriminatory  en-  sistently better learning outcomes   This declaration of intent of gov-
             trance tests. The conundrum of over-  than government schools, citing data   ernment is a pointer that the educracy
             whelming preference of the populace   from  the  Annual  Status  of  Educa-  intends to continue to focus on micro-
             for fees-levying private schools when   tion Report (ASER) published by the   managing private schools rather than
             the alternative of free-of-charge pri-  highly respected Pratham Education   turn  its attention  to improving and
             mary-secondary education is readily   Foundation. This is why the percent-  upgrading the country’s dysfunctional
             available in the country’s 1.20 million   age of children enrolled in private   government schools. Although it was
             public/government schools, has never   unaided schools has risen from 9.2   perhaps released too late, PSIR 2020
             been satisfactorily explained by the es-  in 1993 to 34.8 percent in 2017, says   provides sufficient evidence that the
             tablishment.                     the report.                      country’s 450,000 private schools
                The valuable public service ren-  PSIR 2020 has to be read in con-  need greater autonomy, not closer
             dered by PSIR 2020 is that it provides   junction with the National Education   supervision.

             REVERSING INDIA’S DESCENT INTO ANARCHY                            governments at the Centre have failed
                                                                               to  make larger provision to expand
                                                                               and improve the judicial system.
                t’s easy and normative to dismiss as   recommending ways and means to   The root cause of this malady which
                a case of just desserts, the suspi-  unlock the wheels of the archaic jus-  has infected the body politic is pain-
             Icious gunning down by policemen   tice delivery system, the legal process   fully clear. Post-independence India’s
             of gangster Vikas Dubey on July 10 in   is often more punitive than harsh-  socialist economic development model
             Kanpur, where a week earlier he had   est  verdicts.  Unsurprisingly,  on  the   has stifled the inherent native spirit of
             reportedly killed eight policemen in   global Rule of Law Index 2020 of the   private enterprise. It simply doesn’t
             a late night ambush. Such encounter   independent US-based World Justice   allow sufficient wealth creation which
             killings — police personnel gunning   Project, India is ranked #69 — below   would increase the government’s re-
             down suspected criminals on grounds   Sri Lanka, Rwanda, Senegal and South   sources and taxes revenue, and permit
             of self-defence and/or attempted es-  Africa.                     the  substantially  greater  investment
             cape — are welcomed by the public   Quite obviously massive investment   required by the law and order and jus-
             because of the notorious delay of con-  in expansion and modernisation of the   tice systems. It’s hardly surprising that
             temporary India’s dysfunctional jus-  judicial system is imperative.  For de-  contemporary India also has perhaps
             tice system. Surprisingly, even educat-  cades together, India’s ratio of judges   the world’s lowest police-people ratio
             ed middle class citizens are willing to   to population has been among the low-  — 14 per million.
             overlook the reality that extra-judicial   est worldwide — 20 per million people   Learned judges of the Supreme and
             torture and murder has become a dan-  currently. Against this, the ratio of   high courts would do well to look be-
             gerous habit of police.          judges per million  in the US is 70, Chi-  yond interpretation of pedantic points
                The logical response to the law’s   na (144), Russia (210) and Lichtenstein   of law to examine ways and means to
             agonising delay — currently there’s a   (1,837).  Despite this, the allocation of   reform  obsolete,  time-wasting  legal
             backlog of 30 million pending cases in   the Union ministry of law and justice   procedures and enable the ease of
             the country’s inadequate and under-  in the Central government’s budget   wealth generation in India.
             manned courts of law and delays of   2020-21 is a paltry Rs.2,200 crore.   They should note that in the matter
             ten-15 years between filing of cases   Yet it’s not enough to merely de-  of enforcement of contracts, India is
             and their adjudication is normative   mand larger budgetary outlays for   ranked #63 on the World Bank’s Ease
             — is to reform the justice delivery   upgrading the justice system. Deeper   of Doing Business Index. In the final
             system. Yet despite over 120 reports   examination is required to understand   analysis, it’s money that greases all
             of high-powered Law Commissions   why for over half a century, successive   machinery.

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