Page 8 - EducationWorld Aug 2020 Flipbuilder
P. 8

From the

                      Volume X XI No.8

              BOARD OF ADVISORS               T        he National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 presented to the nation
              N.R. Narayana Murthy, H.V. Gowthama, Shukla
              Bose, Dr. Glenn Christo, Dr. R. Natarajan, Anand   on July 29 after an interregnum of 34 years, expresses determined
              Sudarshan (Bangalore); Dr. F.C. Kohli, Mala   intent to revamp and universalise early childhood and primary-sec-
              Ramadorai, Adi Godrej, Dr. Augustine Pinto,
              Krishan Khanna, Guilherme Vaz, Ketan Gala,   ondary education by 2030. In higher education, it has set the goal
              Kirit Mehta (Mumbai); Dr. Ramdas Pai (Manipal);   of doubling GER (gross enrolment ratio) from the current 25.7 to
              Dr. Geeta Kingdon (Lucknow); Rajiv Desai, Dr.   50 percent of youth in the 18-24 years age group, and transforming India into
              Parth Shah, Jeroninio Almeida, Premchand Palety
              (Delhi); Robindra Subba (Kurseong); Sanjeev Bolia   an international hub of high-quality collegiate and university education.
              (Kolkata); Dr. Achyuta Samanta (Bhubaneswar);   However, drawing up detailed roadmaps to transit to utopian destinations
              Shyama Thakore (London)
                                              and translating noble rhetoric into actionable blueprints is an altogether dif-
              EDITOR                          ferent proposition. For a start, it requires forthright admission of past failures
              Dilip Thakore                   and wrong-turns. Reaffirming faith in the very same failed actors and engi-
              MANAGING EDITOR                 neers who ruined post-independence India’s education system to extricate the
              Summiya Yasmeen                 children and youth of the nation out of the mire of low learning outcomes and
              CHIEF SUB-EDITOR                skills deficit in which they have been floundering for over seven decades, is to
              Sundar Anand                    expect too much. Yet this is the major ‘reform’ that NEP 2020 has proposed.
              Paromita Sengupta, Jeswant J.M, Gopi Chand N,   It mandates the establishment of an alphabet soup of new supervisory and
              Akhila Damodaran (Bangalore), Autar Nehru
              (Delhi) 9868256512, Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)   regulatory institutions — HECI, NHERC, NAC, HEGC, GEC, NRF in higher
              9836491981, Shivani Chaturvedi (Chennai)   education and Department of School Education, Directorate of School Educa-
              9500506102, Dipta Joshi (Mumbai) 9920243111  tion, and SSSA, SCERT in school education apart from NCIVE and NCVET in
              CHIEF EXECUTIVE                 skills education.
              Bhavin Shah +91 9867382867        Evidently, the proposition that highly educated deans, vice chancellors and
              MARKETING                       trustees of higher education institutions (HEIs) and experienced principals
              West: Tejas Pattni (General Manager) 9022487997  and educators mindful of their own and institutional reputations can effective-
              E-mail:  ly manage schools and HEIs without supervision, is beyond the imagination of
              Shruti Srivasatava +91 98216 66019
              South India: S. Vijaya Lakshmi 98456 80696   the neta-babu brotherhood.
              Poonam Shah 9731966373            Over the top bureaucratisation of Indian education apart, NEP 2020 makes
              North: Hannan Ahmed 9810302768
                                              no attempt to co-opt private schools and HEIs into attaining the grand vision
              GRAPHICS                        of the policy. All it says about private schools and colleges which host over 50
              Suresh K.
                                              percent of the student population, is that they need to be controlled to prevent
                                              commercialisation and exploitation, allegedly practiced by private education
              Ajay Kumar: 9108225694/         institutions.
              080 43711141
                 Likewise, unmindful of the national yearning for learning English, NEP
              ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION: RS.1700  2020 has resurrected settled issues of medium of instruction and the three-
              OVERSEAS SUBSCRIPTION: USD95    language formula, and reiterated the familiar call of predecessor education
              Cheques/drafts in favour of DT Media &   policies for national (Centre plus states) expenditure for public education to be
              Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore
                                              raised to 6 percent of GDP, without any enabling suggestions. These and other
              EDITORIAL                       features — positive and negative — of NEP 2020 are debated in detail in our
              C3-36, 3rd Floor, Devatha Plaza  comprehensive cover story of this Independence Day edition.
              131 Residency Road, Bangalore 560 025.
              Tel: 080 22480880; Fax: 2227 5962;   A good suggestion for the minister steeped in the insolence of office — over
              E-mail:   a dozen requests for brief responses to an emailed questionnaire remained
              Website:  unanswered — would be to read our Special Report feature in which 25 highly
              Printed and published by Dilip Thakore on behalf   qualified and experienced principals and educationists recount how they are
              of DT Media & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
              Printed at Rajhans Enterprises, 134, 4th Main, In-  upgrading K-12 schools under their watch to globally benchmarked standards.
              dustrial Town, Rajajinagar, Bangalore-44. Published
              at 703-704, Devatha Plaza, 132 Residency Road.
              Bangalore 560 025.
              Editor Dilip Thakore.
              RNI No. KARENG/1999/00234

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