Page 60 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 60

Cover Story EW India Non-Autonomous Colleges Rankings 2021-22

             while he welcomes the NEP 2020 res-
             olution to liberally award autonomous
             status to NAAC ‘A’ grade colleges, Var-
             ghese is somewhat sceptical whether it
             will be “implemented in a hurry”.
                However  there  is  some  evidence
             that  institutional  autonomy  is  not
             highly prized in all colleges affiliated
             with  Delhi  University  (DU).  With
             DU being by far the largest recipient
             of  UGC’s  annual  budget  (Rs.4,693
             crore in 2021-22) most of its colleges
             are quite content with the status quo
             under which they receive handsome
             subsidies and grants from the parent
             university. This enables them to pay
             high Seventh Pay Commission salaries
             to their faculty while levying rock-bot-
             tom tuition fees to their mainly middle
             class students.                  Miranda House’s Bijayalaxmi Nanda (centre): status quo satisfaction
                “Our  non-autonomous  status  is
             not  a  great  handicap  because  as  a   the full implications of autonomous   pleased  that  our  college  has  been
             constituent  college  of  DU  we  have   status to be able to derive its full ben-  awarded the highest score nationally
             considerable freedom to implement   efits,” says Nanda, a political science   under the parameter of faculty compe-
             the university’s common syllabus in   postgrad of Utkal, Delhi and Jawahar-  tence. This is because 70 percent of our
             framing and enhancing our curricu-  lal Nehru universities who signed up in   faculty has Ph D qualifications and the
             lum. Autonomous status brings with   1993 as associate professor of political   other 30 percent are researching their
             it pressure to exercise financial auton-  science and was appointed acting (pro   doctoral theses. We owe our overdue
             omy and to raise tuition and other fees   tem) principal of this premier college   promotion this year to rising public
             for capacity building and expansion.   three years ago.           awareness  of  the  college’s  excellent
             Our existing students’ profile doesn’t   Likewise, Dr. Minu Madlani,   industry  connect  and  international
             permit  this.  Moreover  autonomous   principal of the K.P.B. Hinduja Col-  academic collaborations because of the
             status necessitates investment in in-  lege of Commerce, Mumbai (KPB-  unreserved encouragement and sup-
             stitutional and business management   HCC, estb.1974), which has risen high   port we receive from the transnational
             capabilities which would diffuse our   in the esteem of sample respondents   Hinduja Group of companies. We have
             focus  on  academics.  Therefore  we   of EWIHER 2021-22, and is ranked     been able to leverage this connection
             have not applied for autonomous sta-  #6 nationally and #1 in Maharashtra   to get the best internships and place-
             tus for our college as yet. This issue   and Mumbai, is not in a hurry to be   ments for our students,” says Madlani,
             needs  proper  planning  and  debate   awarded autonomous status either.   an alumna of Mumbai University who
             and building a consensus first,” says   “I am delighted that your knowl-  acquired valuable teaching and admin
             Dr. Bijayalaxmi Nanda, pro tem   edgeable  sample  respondents  have   experience in Jai Hind College (1988-
             principal of Miranda House, Delhi     ranked  KPBHCC  among  India’s  top   2005) and as principal of L.S. Raheja
             (estb.1948), ranked India’s #4 non-  undergrad colleges and #1 in Maha-  College (2005-13) prior to her appoint-
             autonomous arts, science and com-  rashtra  and  Mumbai  the  financial   ment as principal of KPBHCC in 2014.
             merce college in EWHIER 2021-22.   capital of the country.  I am especially   According to Madlani, the college
                Nanda’s equanimity about the lim-                              has not yet applied to UGC for autono-
             ited autonomy of the blue-chip Miran-                             mous status because the buildings and
             da House is perhaps also influenced by    ere is some evidence    infrastructure of this 47-year-old col-
             the #1 rank that the National Institu-  that institutional autonomy   lege in the heart of downtown Mum-
             tional Ranking Framework (NIRF) —                                 bai where room for expansion is very
             “a facts and data based annual audit”   is not highly prized in all   limited, may not meet NAAC specifica-
             — conducted by the Union education   colleges affiliated with       tions for A grade colleges. “With the
             ministry, has awarded this women’s   Delhi University. Most are   full support of our board of governors,
             college for the past four years. “It’s                            we have recently begun implementing
             important to thoroughly understand   content with status quo      a  major  Rs.250  crore  building  and

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