Page 61 - EducationWorld May 2021
P. 61

infrastructure  modernisation  plan.
             When this project is completed within
             the next two-three years, we will be
             fully qualified for autonomous status.
             NEP 2020 has made several excellent
             proposals for higher education reform
             and development. We intend to take
             full  advantage  of  them,”  adds  Mad-
             lani. Currently this college has 6,000
             mainly undergrad students mentored
             by 70 full-time and 50 visiting faculty
             on its muster rolls.
                Another  arts,  science  and  com-
             merce  college  that  is  content  with
             the time window given by NEP 2020
             to transform into autonomous HEIs
             is  the  Barrackpore  Rastraguru
             Surendranath College, West Ben-
             gal (BRSC, estb. 1953) which has been
             awarded a big promotion in EWHIER   Hinduja College’s Dr. Minu Madlani (rear centre right): major modernisation plan
             2021-22.  Awarded  modest  national
             rankings of #21 in 2018-19 and #18 in   known and well-reputed to be listed   mind that arts, science and commerce
             2019-20, this 67-year-old college has   in EWIHER 2021-22 is small — barely   colleges that are modestly ranked in
             been voted India #11 and #2 in West   127 — because low-profile institutions   the national league table may well be
             Bengal (pop. 93 million) this year.   evaluated by less than 25 sample  re-  top  ranked  in  their  host  states.  For
                Monojit Ray, secretary and CEO   spondents  are  disqualified  from  in-  instance  the  Sri Agrasen Kanya
             of BRSC which has 6,000 students and   clusion. The vast majority of India’s   P.G. College, Varanasi  ranked
             156 faculty on its rolls, attributes the   55,000 junior and undergrad colleges   #24 nationally is #1 in Uttar Pradesh
             rise of the college in the public esteem   are modest, non-descript institutions   (pop. 215 million), and the Hawaba-
             to the management’s quick response   tied to the coat-tails of their affiliat-  gh Women’s College, Jabalpur
             to the Covid-19 crisis. “The farsighted-  ing universities. Therefore the annual   ranked #65 nationally is top ranked
             ness of our Board of Governors who   EW league table of the country’s most   in Madhya Pradesh (pop.86 million).
             gave their full support to introduction   reputed  non-autonomous  colleges   In  short,  all  institutions  included  in
             of online classes, and the quick recep-  serves the useful purpose of identify-  EW’s league table of India’s Top 100
             tivity of faculty and students to digital   ing the best among them.   non-autonomous  colleges  are  head
             teaching-learning are the main factors   Moreover  readers  should  bear  in   and shoulders above the rest.
             behind the rise of BRSC in the esteem   BRSC’s Monojit Ray (left): crisis management success
             of the academy and informed public.
             Simultaneously we took early and ef-
             fective initiatives to introduce health
             and  safety  measures  to  safeguard
             teachers, students and staff by adher-
             ing to all ISO 45001:2018 standards
             for which we received a certificate in
             January 2020 i.e, before imposition of
             the nationwide lockdown on March 25,
             2020,”  says Ray, a chemistry postgrad
             of Calcutta University who served as
             professor of chemistry at Nabdwip Vi-
             dysagar College, Nadia (West Bengal)
             for 17 years (1999-2016) before being
             appointed principal and controller of
             examinations at BRSC.
                The  number  of  non-autonomous
             colleges  that  are  sufficiently  well-

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