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                   140 Chapter 4: Gastrointestinal system

                   ulceration, whereas it may precipitate the pain of is-  suggested by difficulty in initiating the swallow, or regur-
                   chaemia of the bowel. Vomiting or the passage of stool  gitation into the nose, whereas oesophageal obstruction
                   or flatus may temporarily relieve pain.       may manifest with food sticking retrosternally. Causes
                                                                are as follows:
                                                                  Intraluminal blockage from the presence of a foreign

                   Nausea and vomiting                            body.
                   Nausea is the sensation of impending vomiting, whilst
                                                                  sillitis, candidiasis, oesophageal web, benign stric-
                   retching is the involuntary muscle contractions associ-
                                                                  tures, carcinoma, achalasia or myasthenia gravis.
                                                                    Extrinsic compression from thyroid enlargement,
                   tents. Vomiting may occur with or without nausea. The
                                                                  pharyngeal pouch, mediastinal lymph node enlarge-
                   causes of nausea and vomiting are diverse, for example
                                                                  ment, aortic aneurysm or paraesophageal hernia.
                   alcohol and drugs, motion sickness, pregnancy, many
                                                                Investigations that may be useful include videofluo-
                   gastrointestinal causes, neurological disorders and my-
                                                                roscopy, contrast swallow, upper gastrointestinal en-
                   ocardial infarction.
                                                                doscopy and chest imaging. See also under individual
                     Nausea and vomiting can be due to stimulation of the
                   chemoreceptor trigger zones, located in the floor of the
                   fourth ventricle, or by vagal afferents from the gut. These
                   signals stimulate vomiting centres in the medulla.  Diarrhoea
                     A history should elucidate the timing, precipitating
                                                                Diarrhoea is the abnormal passage of loose or liquid
                   and relieving factors of the nausea or vomiting and asso-
                                                                stools more than three times daily and/or a volume of
                                                                stool greater than 200 g/day. Patients may use the term
                   vomiting is characteristic of pregnancy, but also raised
                                                                diarrhoea in different ways. Diarrhoea lasting for more
                   intracranial pressure. Gastrointestinal obstruction may
                                                                than 4 weeks is generally considered chronic, likely
                   cause vomiting early or late in the condition depending
                                                                to be of noninfectious aetiology and warrants further
                   on the site of obstruction. Higher levels of obstruction
                                                                  Acute diarrhoea occurs with viral gastroenteritis, food
                   more rapidly after eating. Haematemesis is the vomiting
                                                                poisoning and traveller’s diarrhoea. Other symptoms
                   of blood, which may appear fresh or partially digested
                                                                such as pain, fever and vomiting may be present. In most
                   (coffee ground appearance).
                                                                cases specific treatments are unnecessary; however, ad-
                     Adrug history is important as many drugs can pre-
                                                                equate hydration (preferably using oral rehydration so-
                   cipitate nausea, especially drugs used in chemother-
                                                                lution) is essential.
                   apy. Peptic ulcer disease caused by nonsteroidal anti-
                                                                  Chronic diarrhoea may be caused by organic or func-
                   inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may manifest as nausea
                                                                tional bowel disorders (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome).
                   and vomiting or even haematemesis, and a typical his-
                                                                Functional bowel disease tends to cause a prolonged his-
                   tory of epigastric pain may be elicited.
                                                                tory of intermittent diarrhoea, without weight loss. It
                                                                should be noted however that patients with inflamma-
                                                                tory bowel disease might present in this way. Organic
                                                                disease is suggested by a history of diarrhoea of less than
                   Dysphagia or difficulty in swallowing usually indicates  3months duration, continuous or nocturnal diarrhoea,
                   organic disease. It differs from odynophagia (pain on  or significant weight loss. Malabsorption often causes
                   swallowing). The history should establish duration, the  steatorrhoea (stool that is frothy, foul smelling and floats
                   constant or intermittent nature, and whether it is worse  because of a high fat content).
                   with solids or liquids. If solids are affected more than  History taking in chronic diarrhoea should include
                   liquids, the cause is more likely to be obstruction,  the following:
                   whereas liquids are affected more in neurological dis-     Previous gastrointestinal surgery.
                   ease. Odynophagia that occurs with liquids suggests up-     Anycoexistent pancreatic, endocrine or multisystem
                   peroesophageal ulceration. Pharyngeal problems are  disease.
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