Page 149 - Medicine and Surgery
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                                                                                      Chapter 4: Clinical 145

                  paralysis of gut motility leading to dilation. Fluid ac-  Aetiology
                  cumulation within the lumen of the bowel may result in     The most common cause is peptic ulcer disease (35–
                  fluid and electrolyte imbalances. This may further exac-  50%) often exacerbated by the use of nonsteroidal
                  erbate the paralytic ileus.                    anti-inflammatory drugs.
                                                                 Acute gastroduodenal erosions can follow any major

                  Clinical features                              illness (8–15%).
                  There is abdominal distension with little evidence of re-     Oesophagitis (5–15%).
                  bound or guarding. If patients are not nil by mouth they     Mallory Weiss tears of the oesophagus resulting from
                  develop copious vomiting. Patients do not pass stool or  vomiting (15%).
                  flatus and bowel sounds are characteristically absent.     Oesophageal varices may cause torrential bleeding (5–
                                                                 10%) (see page 199).
                  Investigations                                   Rarer causes include upper gastrointestinal malig-
                  Abdominal X-ray shows gaseous distension with multi-  nancy and vascular malformations.
                  ple fluid levels in the lumen of the bowel. This may be
                  optimally seen on an erect film.
                                                                Clinical features
                                                                Haematemesis is vomiting of blood. It may appear fresh
                                                                redoras‘coffee ground’ altered blood. Melaena is the
                  It is treated conservatively with i.v. fluids and nasogastric
                                                                passage of black tarry stool due to at least 50 mL of
                  tube (drip and suck). Fluid and electrolyte imbalances
                                                                digested blood; however, if there is very fast gut transit
                  should be corrected. Any underlying cause should be
                                                                time or rapid bleeding, bright red blood may be passed
                  identified and treated.
                                                                rectally. It is essential to identify any coexistent medical
                                                                conditions especially renal or liver disease and those with
                  Pseudo-obstruction                            widespread malignancy, as these patients (along with the
                  Definition                                     elderly) are at greatest risk of mortality.
                  but where no obstruction is present. The condition is  Investigations
                  seen following major respiratory or renal disease and/or  Urgent full blood count, U & Es, LFTs, coagulation
                  after major trauma.                           screen and cross match specimens should be sent.
                                                                The haemoglobin level may not be low despite severe
                  Clinical features                             blood loss until fluid redistribution or resuscitation has
                  Symptoms are similar to those of intestinal obstruction,  occurred.
                  with distension and tinkling bowel sounds.

                  Investigations and management                 Management
                  Abdominal X-ray reveals gas extending to the rec-  The initial management is to correct fluid loss and hy-
                  tum, which may be useful to differentiate from true  potension. All patients require large bore cannulae ide-
                  obstruction. It is managed conservatively, any under-  ally in the anterior antecubital fossae. A central line may
                  lying cause should be identified and treated.  also be necessary for measurement of the central venous
                                                                pressure. If the patient is in a state of shock they should
                                                                be catheterised for accurate hourly fluid balance. Any
                  Acute upper gastrointestinal bleed
                                                                coagulopathies should be corrected, e.g. with vitamin K
                  Definition                                     and fresh frozen plasma.
                  Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeds arise from the stom-     Young patients with minor bleeds and no comorbid-
                  ach, duodenum and oesophagus.                  ity should be observed and undergo an elective en-
                  Incidence                                        Patients with more severe bleeding, particularly older
                  50–150 per 100,000 population per year.        patients or those with comorbidity, require urgent
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