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                                                                       Chapter 4: Gastrointestinal infections 149

                  Aetiology and pathophysiology                 severity of each symptom and a careful history of food
                    Bacillus cereus has an incubation period of 30 min-  intake over the past few days may point in the direction

                    utes to 6 hours. This most commonly causes acute  of a cause.
                    self-limiting vomiting due to pre-formed enterotoxin
                    particularly associated with rice and pulses. Ingested
                    spores (which are resistant to boiling) may cause diar-
                                                                Microscopy and culture of stool is used to identify cause.
                    rhoea from production of a different toxin. Recovery
                                                                All forms of bacterial food poisoning are notifiable to
                    occurs within a few hours.
                                                                allow contact tracing and investigation of source.
                    Staphylococcal food poisoning is caused by ingestion

                    of heat stable enterotoxins A, B, C, D and E. The onset
                    oftheclinicaldiseaseoccurs2–6hoursafterconsump-  Management
                    tion of the toxins. Canned food, processed meats, milk  In most cases the important factor is fluid rehydration
                    and cheese are the main source. The main character-  preferablywithoralrehydrationsolution.Antibioticsare
                    istic feature is persistent vomiting, sometimes with a  not used in simple food poisoning unless there is ev-
                    mild fever. There may be diarrhoea. Recovery occurs  idence of systemic spread. Ciprofloxacin is a common
                    within a few hours.                         first-line antibiotic, until an organism is identified.
                    Campylobacter has an incubation period of 16–48

                    hours. There is a large animal reservoir (cattle, sheep,  Bacilliary dysentery
                    rodents, poultry and wild birds). Patients present with
                    fever, headache and malaise, followed by diarrhoea,  Definition
                    sometimes with blood and abdominal pain. Recovery  Bacilliary dysentery is a diarrhoeal illness caused by
                    occurs within 3–5 days.                     Shigella infection.
                    Clostridium perfringens Type A producesanentero-

                    toxin which causes watery diarrhoea and cramping
                    abdominal pain as the main symptoms. It has an in-
                                                                There are four species of Shigella known to cause diar-
                    cubation period of 12–24 hours and recovery occurs
                                                                rhoeal illness:
                    within 2–3 days.
                                                                   Shigella sonnei (75% of UK infections) cause most of
                    Salmonella has an incubation period of 16–48 hours.

                                                                 the mild infections.
                    There are more than 2000 species on the basis of
                                                                   Shigella flexneri and Shigella boydii (travellers) cause
                    antigens, which can help in tracing an outbreak.
                                                                 intermediate infections.
                    Salmonella enteritidis (one common serotype is called
                                                                   Shigella dysenteriae is the most serious.
                    Salmonella typhimurium)isfound in both animals
                    and humans. The main reservoir of infection is poul-
                    try, though person to person infection may occur. Di-  Pathophysiology
                    arrhoea results from invasion by the bacteria result-  Shigella is a human pathogen without an animal reser-
                    ing in inflammation. The condition is generally mild  voir. Spread is by person-to-person contact, faecal–oral
                    with fever, malaise, cramping abdominal pain, bloody  route or contaminated food. The incubation period is
                    diarrhoea and vomiting. Systemic disease may occur  usually 2 days. The organism attaches to the mucosal
                    in those predisposed individuals, e.g. children, ter-  epithelium of the distal ileum and colon causing inflam-
                    minally ill patients, sickle cell anaemia patients. The  mation and ulceration.
                    organisms cause septicaemia causing osteomyelitis,
                    pneumonia or meningitis. Recovery may occur within  Clinical features
                    days, but may take up to 2 weeks.           Acutewaterydiarrhoeawithsystemicsymptomsoffever,
                                                                malaise and abdominal pain develops into bloody di-
                  Clinical features                             arrhoea. Other features include nausea, vomiting and
                  As outlined above the cardinal features of food poison-  headaches. Complications include colonic perforation,
                  ing are diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The  septicaemia, arthritis and convulsions.
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