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                   154 Chapter 4: Gastrointestinal system

                   Management                                   pylorus and the ileocaecal valve, which is most com-
                   This depends on disease severity. Assessment of hypo-  monly affected. Caseating granulomas and fibrosis may
                   volaemia may be made using clinical indices such as the  result in stricture formation and obstructions. Tubercu-
                   difference between lying and standing blood pressure,  lousperitonitismayresultfromreactivationofTBwithin
                   the heart rate, skin turgor, urine output and urea and  an abdominal lymph node.
                   electrolyte measurement. A postural drop of 15 mmHg
                   or more suggests volume depletion.           Clinical features
                     In significant volume depletion intravenous saline  The presentation depends on the site of infection and

                     should be administered. The fluid input and out-  often has an insidious onset. Patients may present with
                     put should be documented hourly and reviewed with  diarrhoea, abdominal pain, alteration of bowel habit,
                     care.                                      blood in stool and systemic features of anorexia and
                     In mild cases oral rehydration is the treatment of  weight loss. Gastric outflow obstruction may result in

                     choice using a solution containing sodium, potas-  vomiting and a succussion splash on examination. There
                     sium, chloride and citrate. Traditional solutions use  may be a palpable abdominal mass. Clinically gastroin-
                     glucose to facilitate absorption, rice-based polymers  testinal tuberculosis may be difficult to distinguish from
                     have been used in place of glucose with some evi-  Crohn’s disease.
                     Table 4.3).                                Investigations
                     Tetracycline or ciprofloxacin can be used to shorten  Abdominal ultrasound may demonstrate mesenteric

                     duration and reduce severity of illness.   thickening and lymph node enlargement. In patients
                                                                with vomiting an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is
                                                                performed. Diagnosis may be made using histology,
                   Tuberculosis and the GI tract
                                                                culture or PCR of tissue obtained at laparoscopy or
                   Definition                                    colonoscopy (particularly from the ileocaecal valve and
                   Infection of the gastrointestinal tract or the peritoneum  terminal ileum). See also Tuberculosis (page 102).
                   by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (see also page 102).
                                                                Treatment with a combination of rifampicin, isoniazid,
                   Infections are most common in the immunosuppressed  pyrazinamideandethambutolifresistanceislikely.Ther-
                   and are more common due to HIV. Sources of gastroin-  apy should continue for 1 year in gut infections and
                                                                2years in peritonitis. Surgical resection of a strictured
                   testinal tuberculous infections:
                                                                bowel may be required for obstruction and to exclude a
                     Reactivation of primary tuberculosis.

                                                                caecal carcinoma.
                     Bovine TB infections from unpasteurised milk.

                     Self-infection may occur due to swallowing of infected

                   Intestinal tuberculosis occurs at any point of turbulence,  Disorders of the abdominal wall
                   e.g. the oesophagus at the indentation of the aorta, the
                                                                Abdominal hernias
                    Table 4.3 WHO oral rehydration salts (ORS) formula 2002
                                                      mmol/L    Ahernia is the abnormal protrusion of an organ or tissue
                                                                outside its normal body cavity or constraining sheath
                    Sodium                             75
                    Chloride                           65       (see Fig. 4.3).
                    Glucose, anhydrous                 75
                    Potassium                          20       Incidence
                    Citrate                            10       85% occur in males, with a lifetime risk of 1 in 4 males,
                    Total Osmolarity                  245
                                                                but less than 1 in 20 females. They increase with age.
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