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                                                                  Chapter 4: Disorders of the abdominal wall 155

                                                                 toneum dragged down into the testes during the
                                                                 embryonic descent of the testes from the posterior
                        Skin                                     abdominal wall. It is usually obliterated leaving the
                                                                 tunica vaginalis as a covering of the testes.
                                                                 Direct inguinal hernias occur as a result of weakness in

                                                                 the floor of the inguinal canal (through Hesselbach’s
                        Intestine                                triangle which is formed inferiorly by the inguinal lig-
                                                                 ament, the inferior epigastric vessels laterally and the
                        Hernia                                   internal oblique muscle superiorly).
                                                                 Femoral hernias are due to a weakness of the femoral

                                                                 the inguinal ligament anteriorly, the femoral vein lat-
                                                                 erally, the lacunar ligament medially and the superior
                                                                 ramusof the pubis posteriorly. Femoral hernias are
                                                                 particularly prone to incarceration or strangulation,
                  Figure 4.3 Abdominal wall hernia.
                                                                 as the angle of the canal makes the hernia difficult to
                                                                 reduce. Females have femoral hernias more often than
                                                                 males, but inguinal hernias are still the most common
                                                                 hernia in females (by 4 to 1).
                  Congenital hernias exploit natural openings and weak-
                                                                   Incisional hernias occur at weakened areas caused by
                  nesses. They may not become obvious until later in
                                                                 surgical incisions and muscle splitting. They occur in
                  life and may be predisposed to by coughing straining,
                  lifting, trauma or weak musculature. Examples of her-  approximately 5% of postoperative patients, risk fac-
                  nias include inguinal (direct and indirect), femoral,  tors include infection, poor wound healing, coughing
                  paraumbilical, umbilical and ventral hernias (see  and surgical techniques.
                  Fig. 4.4).
                    Of groin hernias, 60% are indirect inguinal, 25% are
                  direct inguinal and 15% are femoral.          Clinical features
                    Indirect inguinal hernias are a result of failure of oblit-
                                                                Hernias may be completely asymptomatic, or present
                    eration of the processus vaginalis, a tube of peri-  with a painless swelling, sudden pain at the moment of
                                                                herniation and thereafter a dragging discomfort made
                                                                worse by coughing, lifting, straining and defecation
                                                                (which increase intra-abdominal pressure). Persistent or
                                                                severe pain may be a sign of one of the complications of
                                                                hernias, i.e. incarceration or strangulation. In most cases
                                                                the hernia is not visible when the patient is lying supine.
                                                                They are best examined standing and when the patient
                                                                is coughing or straining. A bulge may be visible and a
                                                                cough impulse is normally palpable. It can be difficult to
                                                                distinguish the groin hernias.
                       Umbilical                                   Indirect hernias once reduced can be controlled by
                                                                 pressure applied to the internal ring. This distin-
                                                  Inguinal       guishes indirect from direct hernias, which cannot be
                                                                 controlled, and where on reduction the edges of the
                                                                 defect may be palpable.
                                                   Femoral         An inguinal hernia passes above and medial to the
                                                                 pubic tubercle whereas a femoral hernia passes below
                  Figure 4.4 Sites of abdominal wall hernias.    and lateral.
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