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                                                                     Chapter 4: Disorders of the oesophagus 157

                  Older patients and those with suspicious features should  diameter of 10–15 mm. Complications include haem-
                  undergo endoscopy prior to commencing treatment. Al-  orrhage, perforation and bacteraemia.
                  though H. pylori infection is no more likely to be present
                  in patients with gastrooesophageal reflux disease com-
                                                                Hiatus hernia
                  pared to the normal population, patients are tested as
                  part of the investigation of dyspepsia and treated if  Definition
                  found to be positive. See also Dyspepsia and H. pylori  Hiatusherniationistheabnormalpassageofpartorallof
                  (pages 142–162).                              stomach through the diaphragm. It may be axial/sliding,
                    Patients should be advised to lose weight if obese, and
                                                                paraesophageal/rolling or mixed.
                    avoid precipitating factors such as alcohol and coffee.
                    Raising the head of the bed may be of benefit.  Prevalence
                    The most effective relief is provided by proton pump
                                                                Increases with age, very common in elderly patients (up
                    inhibitors; however, many patients have adequate  to 70%).
                    symptom control from antacids, alginates, H 2 antag-
                    onists or prokinetic agents such as domperidone or  Aetiology/pathophysiology
                    metoclopramide. An initial course of 4 weeks of treat-  See Fig. 4.5.
                    ment is used.                                  Ina sliding hernia the stomach passes up through its
                    Indications for anti-reflux surgery include continued
                    symptoms despite high dose proton pump inhibitor  Incompetence of the lower oesophageal sphincter re-
                    therapy for at least 6 months, complications or high  sults in reflux, which may cause chronic inflammation
                    grade oesophagitis in young/fit patients and reflux af-  and fibrosis. This can eventually shorten the oesoph-
                    terprevious upper gastrointestinal tract surgery. A  agus, fixing the stomach in the thorax.
                    fundoplication(openorlaparoscopic)isperformedin     Ina para-oesophageal hernia there is a defect in the
                    which the mobilised gastric fundus is wrapped com-  diaphragm allowing the greater curve to roll upwards
                    pletely or partially around the lower end of the oe-  into the mediastinum. As the gastro-oesophageal
                    sophagus. Endoscopic techniques are now available.  sphincter remains in place patients do not develop re-
                    Oesophageal strictures mayrequire endoscopic di-  flux. Symptoms may result from pressure on the heart
                    latation to stretch the stricture to achieve a luminal  orlungs.Thesearemostcommonlyseenintheelderly.


                                                       Gastro-oesophageal                    Herniated
                         Diaphragm                     junction                              stomach


                                  Sliding (axial) hernia 90%         Para-Oesophageal (rolling) hernia 10%
                               Disrupts normal anti-reflux mechanisms    Anti-reflux mechanisms intact

                  Figure 4.5 Types of hiatus hernias.
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