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                                                                       Chapter 4: Gastrointestinal infections 153

                  The toxin is demonstrable in the faeces.
                  Management                                                     Raised cAMP
                  cated. Intravenous antitoxin and guanidine hydrochlo-
                  ride to reverse neuromuscular blockade has been used.  G M1  ganglioside

                                                                              Cholera toxin
                                                                         LUMEN     Secretion of fluid
                  Cholera is an acute infection of the gastrointestinal tract  Figure 4.2 Pathophysiology of secretory diarrhoea in cholera.
                  caused by the Gram-negative bacterium Vibrio cholera.
                                                                3 The B subunit of the exotoxin binds to intestinal ep-
                  Incidence                                      itheliumexpressingtheG M1 gangliosideandtheAunit
                  66 cases in the past 20 years in the United Kingdom,  activates adenylate cyclase (see Fig. 4.2). The result is
                  endemic in South East Asia and South America.  an increase in cellular levels of cAMP and massive se-
                                                                 cretion of isotonic fluid into the intestinal lumen.
                                                                4 Asecondtoxin termed zonula occludens toxin (ZOT)
                  V. cholera is found free living in fresh water, it is only
                                                                 damages the tight junctions between enterocytes al-
                  pathogenic in humans. It can contaminate shellfish.
                                                                 lowing the passage of water and electrolytes.
                  Transfer from human carriers is via the faeco–oral route.
                    The serovar 0:1 is the major pathogenic strain and  Clinical features
                  is divided into two biotypes; classical and the more  Theincubationperiodisbetweenafewhoursand1week.
                  widespread El Tor (named after the quarantine camp  Most patients have a mild self-limiting diarrhoeal illness
                  in which it was discovered). Phage typing can be used to  but in severe cases there may be watery diarrhoea with
                  examine epidemics to try and see if the observed condi-  mucous, termed rice water stool. It is vital to adequately
                  tions originated from a single source (see Fig. 4.1).  fluid resuscitate patients with such diarrhoea to prevent
                                                                the onset of hypovolaemic shock.
                  1 V. cholera is damaged by stomach acid therefore pa-  Investigations
                    tients on acid suppressing medication are particularly  The diagnosis is often made on clinical features alone,
                    susceptible to infection.                   pendingtheresultsofstoolcultureswhicharediagnostic.
                  2 Once in the small bowel proliferation occurs and there  However, stool microscopy may reveal the characteristic
                    is production of an exotoxin.               motile organisms.

                                                                          Serotyping of    Biotype: growth on
                                                         Bacteria          somatic O       media, and enzyme
                                                                           antigens          production

                                                                           Serovar 0:1

                                                       Vibrio cholera                          El Tor
                                                                           Non 0:1
                  Figure 4.1 Subtypes of cholera.
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