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                                                                     Chapter 4: Disorders of the oesophagus 159

                  South America is very similar where infection by Try-  oesophageal sphincter. Surgical intervention is indicated
                  panosoma cruzi causes destruction of the myenteric  in those who fail to respond; a 10–12 cm incision is made
                  plexus.                                       into the anterior wall of the oesophagus without breach-
                                                                ing the mucosa (Heller’s cardiomyotomy). Laparoscopic
                  Pathophysiology                               techniques are also used. Gastro-oesophageal reflux is a
                  The neuromuscular damage causes disordered motility  complication with both procedures.
                  along the whole length of the oesophagus. On manom-
                  etry there is aperistalsis and incomplete relaxation of  Diffuse oesophageal spasm
                  the lower oesophageal sphincter in response to swallow-
                  ing. The gastrooesophageal sphincter classically remains  Definition
                                                                Asevere form of abnormal oesophageal mobility.
                  tightly closed and there is dilation of the oesophagus.
                  Clinical features
                                                                There is a generalised abnormality of the oesopha-
                  Patients present with progressive dysphagia, regurgita-
                                                                gus with resultant hypermotility leading to painful oe-
                                                                sophageal spasms. The resting pressure and relaxation of
                  occurs in around a quarter of patients. Patients are often
                                                                the lower oesophageal sphincter is normal.
                                                                Clinical features
                  Complications                                 Painisretrosternalandrangesfrommildtoseverecolicky
                  Patients may aspirate and develop respiratory symp-  spasms that occur spontaneously or on swallowing.
                  toms. Achalasia may predispose to oesophageal car-
                  cinoma even after successful treatment (incidence of  Investigations
                  5–10%).                                       Barium swallow may show a corkscrew appearance due
                                                                to contracted muscle (nutcracker oesophagus). Manom-
                  Investigations                                etry can be used to identify the diseased segment and is
                    Achest X-ray may reveal a fluid level behind the heart.
                                                                required prior to surgery.
                    Diagnosis is made by barium swallow, which reveals

                    a markedly dilated ‘megaoesophagus’. There may be  Management
                    superficial mucosal erosions with a very narrow pas-  Calcium channel blockers can reduce the amplitude
                    sage of barium (rat’s tail) into the stomach through  of the contractions. Nitrates have also been used with
                    the contracted lower oesophageal sphincter.  some success. Surgical intervention with open or tho-
                    24-hour pH and manometry studies can differentiate
                                                                racoscopic myotomy is considered in refractory cases.
                    achalasia from other oesophageal motility disorders.  The myotomy should extend the entire length of the
                    Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is performed to ex-
                                                                involved segment of oesophagus and through the lower
                    clude a tumour. Classically there is a dilated oesoph-  oesophageal sphincter. To prevent gastrooesophageal re-
                    agus containing food debris. The gastrooesophageal  flux a fundoplication should also be performed (see
                    junction may or may not be tight. A normal upper  page 158).
                    gastrointestinal endoscopy does not exclude the diag-
                    nosis of achalasia. Biopsy reveals inflammation and  Mallory-Weiss tear
                    mucosal ulceration in the oesophagus secondary to
                    bacterial overgrowth.                       Definition
                                                                Atear in the mucosa normally at or just above the oe-
                  Management                                    sophageal gastric junction.
                  Patients require long-term treatment with a proton
                  pump inhibitor. Treatment is by repeated dilatation of  Aetiology/pathophysiology
                  the lower oesophageal sphincter with a hydrostatic bal-  The tear in the mucosa is a result of a sudden increase
                  loon and/or injection of botulinum toxin into the lower  in intra abdominal pressure associated with vomiting,
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