Page 181 - Medicine and Surgery
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                                                                       Chapter 4: Gastrointestinal oncology 177

                  compression due to the median arcuate ligament of the  Sex
                  diaphragm. This may be amenable to surgery.   M > F

                  Acute intestinal failure
                                                                Particularly common in Japan and China.
                  Complete necrosis and gangrene of the midgut resulting  Aetiology
                  from cessation of blood flow in the superior mesenteric     Squamous carcinoma accounts for more than 90% of
                  artery. It is predominantly a disease of the elderly.  cases. These usually occur in the middle third of the
                                                                 oesophagus although the lower third may also be af-
                  Clinical features                              fected. Aetiological factors include high alcohol con-
                  There may be a preceding history of non-specific symp-  sumption, smoking and chewing betel nuts.
                  toms (variable abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and     Adenocarcinoma makes up the remaining 10% and
                  weight loss). Signs of acute intestinal failure include ab-  affects the lower third of the oesophagus particularly
                  dominal tenderness, guarding, loss of bowel sounds and  the gastrooesophageal junction possibly following ep-
                  rigidity, due to perforation.                  ithelial metaplasia from squamous to columnar cells
                                                                 as a result of gastro oesophageal reflux (Barrett’s oe-
                  Investigations                                 sophagus).
                  Calcification within the abdominal aorta may be evident     Familial forms have been noted.
                  on abdominal X-ray. Gas filled, thickened, dilated bowel
                  loops and free gas within the peritoneal cavity due to  Pathophysiology
                  perforation may also be seen. Angiography or spiral CT  Carcinomas spread along the mucosa and submucosa,
                  can identify the vascular occlusion.          invading adjacent structures and lymph nodes, distant
                                                                metastases are rare. Adenocarcinoma tends to metasta-
                  Management                                    sise earlier.
                  Following adequate resuscitation laparotomy and resec-
                  tion(whichmaybemassive)arerequired.Removalofthe  Clinical features
                  vascular occlusion may be possible (e.g. embolectomy).  Patients may present with progressive dysphagia, but of-
                  Asecond look laparotomy can be performed 24 hours  tenpresent late with weight loss, anaemia and malaise.
                  later to re-examine any segment of bowel the viability of  On examination there may be cervical lymphadenopa-
                  which was questionable.                       thy, cervical mass and hepatomegaly.

                  Prognosis                                     Investigations
                  The overall prognosis is poor with 70–90% mortality. If  Barium swallow demonstrates an apple core defect or
                  the patient survives they have considerable malabsorp-  stricture without proximal dilatation. Endoscopy al-
                  tion problems.                                lows visualisation and biopsy of oedematous friable mu-
                                                                cosa proximal to the obstruction. Initial staging (TMN)
                                                                should include spiral CT of the chest and abdomen
                   Gastrointestinal oncology                    to look for metastases. In the absence of metastases
                                                                endoscopic ultrasound is useful to assess operability.
                                                                Other techniques include abdominal ultrasound scan-
                  Oesophageal carcinoma
                                                                ning, MRI scanning, bronchoscopy and laparoscopy.
                  Primary malignant cancer arising in the oesophagus.  Management
                                                                 Wherever possible surgical resection is the primary

                  Age                                            treatment with those occurring in the lower third
                  Rare below the age of 40 years.                being the most amenable to surgery. Anatomical
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