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                   182 Chapter 4: Gastrointestinal system

                    Table 4.6 Dukes classification of colorectal carcinoma  Anal squamous cell carcinoma
                    Dukes                          5-year       Definition
                    stage  Tumour spread           survival (%)
                                                                The anal canal is lined with stratified squamous epithe-
                    A      Not extending through the  >90       lium and thus is prone to development of epithelial de-
                             muscularis propria
                    B      Extending through the   70           rivedtumours.
                             muscularis propria but no
                             node involvement                   Incidence
                    C      Any nodal involvement   30
                    D      Distant metastases      5            Much less common than rectal carcinoma.

                     In arecent study the use of faecal occult blood testing  M > F

                     as screening has a positive predictive value was 11%
                     for cancer and 35% for adenoma. 48% of all detected
                                                                Clinical features
                     cancers were Dukes stage A (see Table 4.6).
                                                                Patients present with a localised ulcer or a wart like
                                                                growth, there is often associated bleeding and discharge.
                   Management                                   Inguinal lymph nodes may be stony hard if spread has
                   Primaryresectionisthetreatmentofchoiceinfitpatients  occurred. In female patients an ano-vaginal fistula may
                   (see also page 148).                         result in offensive vaginal discharge.
                     Tumours of the right and transverse colon require

                     righthemicolectomy and ileocolic anastomosis.
                     Tumours of the descending colon are treated with left

                                                                Suspect lesions require biopsy.
                     Tumours of the sigmoid colon are treated with a sig-

                     moid colectomy.                            Management
                   In all the procedures the associated mesentery and re-  Treatment is by combined local radiotherapy and
                   gional lymph nodes are removed en bloc.      chemotherapy rather than abdominoperineal resection.
                     Most rectal tumours are treated by anterior resection.  Early metastases are frequent.
                   In very low rectal lesions an abdominoperineal (AP) re-
                   section with formation of a permanent colostomy in the
                   left iliac fossa may be required.            Familial adenomatous polyposis
                     Resections may be curative or palliative, if resection
                   is not possible a bypass procedure may be carried out.
                                                                Familial adenomatous polyposis is a rare genetic condi-
                   Adjuvant chemotherapy based on 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
                                                                tion in which patients develop multiple polyps.
                   is performed in patients with Dukes stage C (see below)
                   but has not been shown to be beneficial in Stage A or
                   B disease, or in elderly patients who have a higher in-  Aetiology/pathophysiology
                   cidence of complications. Patients with limited hepatic  This is an autosomal dominant condition in which there
                   metastases may benefit from resection of the metastases.  is a defect in the adenomatous polyposis (apc) gene on
                     Rectal carcinomas are just as likely to recur locally  the long arm of chromosome 5. Multiple polyps develop
                   as metastasise distantly, so treatment is best with local  during childhood throughout the large bowel.
                   radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy.
                                                                Clinical features
                   Prognosis                                    Patients may be identified through screening of known
                   The overall 5-year survival rate is 40% but this depends  relatives. The presence of multiple polyps may lead to
                   on Dukes staging (see Table 4.6).            bleeding, diarrhoea and mucus discharge.
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