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                                                                       Chapter 4: Gastrointestinal oncology 183

                  Complications                                 Aetiology
                  Malignantchangeisinevitableaseachpolypcarriesarisk  Autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, most cases in-
                  of transformation. Adenocarcinoma is unlikely before  volvemutations in the PJ gene on chromosome 19.
                  the age of 20.
                                                                Clinical features
                  Investigations                                Patients are found to have mucocutaneous pigmenta-
                  Colonoscopy is used to screen relatives above 12 years.  tioncharacteristicallyaroundthemouth,handsandfeet.
                                                                Gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps are found in the
                                                                small bowel, colon and stomach.
                  Definitive treatment involves a total colectomy and ileo-
                  stump requires continuing surveillance.
                                                                Polyps may bleed or cause intussusception, but are not
                  Peutz–Jegher syndrome
                  Definition                                     Management
                  Syndrome characterised by intestinal polyposis and  Multiple polypectomies may be required, but bowel re-
                  freckling of the lips.                        section should be avoided.
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