Page 190 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   186 Chapter 5: Hepatic, biliary and pancreatic systems

                   obstructionnobilereachesthebowel.Thisresultsindark  expansion of the thorax in chronic obstructive airways
                   urine and pale stools. Liver function tests are usually ab-  disease, a subdiaphragmatic collection or a Riedel’s lobe
                   normal. Obstruction of the bile system causes alkaline  (an enlarged tongue-like growth of the right lobe of the
                   phosphatase to rise first and proportionally more than  liver which is a normal variant). To define the size of the
                   the aminotransferases.                       liver its span should be percussed. A diseased liver may
                                                                not always be enlarged, and in late cirrhosis it is more
                   Clinical features                            common for it to become small and scarred.
                   Acarefulhistoryshouldbetakenincludingthefollowing:  If the liver is palpable, other features should be elicited
                     Prodromal ‘flu-like’ illness up to 2 weeks before onset  such as whether it feels soft or hard, regular and smooth

                     of jaundice suggests viral hepatitis.      or irregular, tender or non-tender, and pulsatile or non-
                     Other risk factors for infectious causes include pre-  pulsatile. The liver should be auscultated for a bruit.

                     vious blood transfusions, intravenous drug use, body  Associated features, depending on the underlying cause,
                     piercing, tattoos and high-risk sexual practice.  may include splenomegaly, signs of chronic liver disease,
                     Patients should also be asked about jaundiced con-  lymphadenopathy and/or a raised jugular venous pres-

                     tacts.                                     sure.
                     Previous or present biliary colic/gallstones suggest ob-  The most common causes of a palpable liver in the

                     structive jaundice.                        developed world:
                     Adrug history including prescribed and non-  Cardiac failure – right heart failure leads to a smooth,

                     prescribed medication, herbal remedies, alcohol and  firm, tender liver due to congestion.
                     recreational drugs.                            Cirrhosis – particularly in early alcoholic cirrhosis.
                   Examination may reveal hepatomegaly and/or splen-  The liver is non-tender and firm.
                   omegaly, signs of chronic liver disease and portal hy-     Cancer – metastases in the liver cause a hard, craggy,
                   pertension.                                    irregular or nodular surface.
                                                                Less common causes:
                   Investigations                                   Haematological malignancies (chronic leukaemia,
                   Routine tests:                                 lymphoma) and myeloproliferative disease can cause
                     U&Es, LFTs (see page 189), FBC, blood film and retic-  massive hepatomegaly.

                     ulocytes, clotting profile.                     Infections such as acute hepatitis (smooth, tender),
                     Viral serology: EBV, CMV, hepatitis A, B and C.  liver abscess or hydatid cysts.

                     Anultrasoundshouldbeperformedtolookfordilated  Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (may be tender and

                     bileducts,gallstonesorothercausesofbiliaryobstruc-  may have an arterial bruit).
                     tion. Further imaging including ERCP and CT scan of     Fatty liver.
                     the abdomen may be required.                   Haemochromatosis.
                     Other investigations should be considered for specific  Sarcoid, amyloid.

                     causes such as autoimmune hepatitis, haemochro-  Atender liver indicates recent stretching of the liver cap-
                     matosis, primary biliary cirrhosis and Wilson’s dis-  sule by enlargement, such as caused by cardiac failure
                     ease.                                      or acute hepatitis. A pulsatile liver is most commonly
                                                                caused by tricuspid regurgitation.

                   Hepatomegaly                                 Signs of chronic liver disease
                   Hepatomegaly is the term used to describe an enlarged  There are many signs of chronic liver disease, but in
                   liver. Normally, the liver edge may be just palpable below  some cases examination can be entirely normal, despite
                   the right costal margin on deep inspiration, particularly  advanced disease (see Fig. 5.2).
                   in thin people. It may also be palpable without being  The hands:
                   enlarged due to downward displacement, e.g. by hyper-     Clubbing of the fingers (see page 92).
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