Page 194 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   190 Chapter 5: Hepatic, biliary and pancreatic systems

                   Vitamin K deficiency including that caused by obstruc-  the biliary tree suggests infection with gas-producing
                   tive jaundice (due to reduced absorption from the intes-  organisms, trauma, a fistula between the intestine and
                   tine) causes a prolonged PT (see page 465). Parenteral  gallbladder, or may be seen after endoscopic or surgical
                   replacementofvitaminKshouldleadtoimprovementof  instrumentation.
                   the prolonged PT within a few days if hepatic synthetic
                                                                Abdominal ultrasound scan (USS)
                   function is intact.
                                                                This is a safe, non-invasive test, which can be used to
                                                                visualise the liver, biliary tree and pancreas. It is partic-
                   Pancreatic function tests                    ularly useful in patients who have
                                                                    jaundice or abnormal liver function tests where it is
                   Exocrine function
                                                                  useful to look for gallstones, dilated intra- or extra-
                     Serum amylase is a marker for pancreatic damage.

                                                                  hepatic bile ducts, and to assess the size and appear-
                     Arise of more than 4 times normal with suggestive
                                                                  ance of the liver.
                     clinical features is diagnostic of acute pancreatitis, al-
                                                                    signs of chronic liver disease.
                     though lesser rises may occur due to other causes, e.g.
                     mesenteric infarction and acute cholecystitis. A nor-     hepatomegaly or splenomegaly.
                     mal amylase level does not exclude acute pancreatitis.     suspected gallstone disease, including cholecystitis.
                     Serum lipase is also a marker for pancreatic damage.     acute pancreatitis, particularly to look for gallstones,
                     Steatorrhea which is thought to be caused by chronic
                                                                  pseudocysts and abscesses.
                     pancreatitis may be investigated using faecal fat esti-     suspected intra-abdominal abscess, e.g. liver abscess
                     mation and/or a breath test to compare the absorp-  including amoebic abscess.
                     tion of a radiolabelled fatty acid versus a radiolabelled  Other abnormal findings include ascites, abdominal
                     triglyceride. If the fatty acid is absorbed normally but  masses and lymphadenopathy. Ultrasound may also be
                     the more complex triglyceride is not, then the steator-  used for liver biopsy, and doppler ultrasound is used to
                     rhea is caused by pancreatic disease.      look for hepatic blood flow, particularly portal vein flow
                     Other tests to assess the exocrine function, such as
                                                                direction and venous patency.
                     measuring the levels of enzymes in the duodenum
                                                                Computed tomography (CT)
                     after a food challenge, are available but not commonly
                                                                This can visualise the liver, biliary tree, lymph nodes and
                                                                the pancreas in more detail. Preferably a spiral CT is per-
                                                                formed after intravenous contrast, as this allows imaging
                   Endocrine function
                                                                in the arterial and portal venous phases, which charac-
                     Chronic pancreatitis may lead to secondary diabetes

                                                                terises liver lesions more precisely. Precautions should be
                     mellitus. Tests for endocrine function in this context
                                                                taken in case of allergy or risk of contrast nephrotoxicity.
                     are not required.
                                                                This includes stopping metformin and ensuring patients
                     Endocrine tests may be needed in the diagnosis of islet

                                                                are well-hydrated prior to the tests. CT is particularly
                     cell tumours. Pancreatic polypeptide is raised in all of
                                                                useful for assessing focal lesions of the liver, staging of
                     these types of tumour and see page 222 for specific
                                                                malignancy, and it is more sensitive for pancreatic le-
                                                                sions, such as assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis
                                                                and to look for complications such as pseudocysts.
                   Imaging of the liver, biliary system
                   and pancreas                                 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
                                                                magnetic resonance
                   Plain abdominal X-ray                        cholangiopancreatography (MRCP)
                   This is usually unhelpful, but occasionally abnormali-  This is sometimes used for more sensitive imaging of
                   ties may be detected. Up to 10% of gallstones are radio-  the liver, particularly for focal lesions. MRCP is some-
                   opaqueandvisibleonX-ray.Pancreaticcalcificationmay  times used as a non-invasive alternative to endoscopic
                   be seen in chronic pancreatitis. The finding of air in  retrograde  cholangiopancreatography  (ERCP)  to
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