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                                                                                     Chapter 1: Infections 19

                  massage and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation  a major cause of concern. Some examples include the
                  (TENS) can often help with pain.              following:
                                                                 Methicillin resistant Staph. aureus (MRSA) is resistant

                                                                 to flucloxacillin and most other commonly used anti
                   Infections                                    Staphylococcal agents. It is treated by vancomycin or
                                                                 teicoplanin. Nasal colonisation and skin clearance is
                                                                 achieved by topical cream and antiseptic washes.
                  Nosocomial infections
                                                                   Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE) is increas-
                  Infections acquired during a hospital stay are called  ingly common.
                  nosocomialinfections.Usuallyaninfectionisconsidered     Vancomycin-intermediate/resistant  Staph.  aureus
                  to be nosocomial if it arises >72 hours after admission,  (VISA/VRSA) emerged with cases of VISA in the late
                  as earlier infections are usually presumed to have been  1990s and VRSA in 2002. It is still rare, but of concern.
                  acquired in the community. For patients who are only  It is also called GISA (glycopeptide-intermediate SA)
                  briefly admitted the infection may only become manifest  because vancomycin is a glycopeptide.
                  after discharge.
                    Approximately 10% of patients admitted to a hospital
                                                                Prevention of nosocomial infections
                  in the United Kingdom acquire a nosocomial infection.
                                                                The principles are to avoid transmission by always wash-
                  Infections may be spread by droplet inhalation or direct
                                                                ing hands after examining a patient, strict aseptic care
                  hand contact from hospital staff or equipment. The pa-
                                                                of central lines and isolation of cases in a side-room or
                  tients most at risk are those at extremes of age, those
                                                                even by ward. Certain patients are given prophylactic an-
                  with significant co-morbidity, the immunosuppressed
                                                                tibiotics, e.g. preoperatively, where possible indwelling
                  and those with recent surgery. Risk factors also depend
                                                                urinary catheters or central lines should be avoided or
                  on the site, for example pneumonia is more common in
                                                                the duration of use minimised. Early mobilisation and
                  patients who are ventilated, who are bedbound or who  discharge also help to reduce the period of risk. Once pa-
                  have had thoracic or abdominal surgery. Instrumenta-  tients are identified as having diarrhoea or being infected
                  tion such as urinary catherisation or central lines can
                                                                with resistant organisms they should be barrier nursed
                  introduce infections.
                                                                in a separate room. Staff and visitors should wear gloves,
                    The commonest sites of nosocomial infections are
                                                                aprons and where appropriate masks whilst in the room,
                    urinary tract infections,

                                                                and disinfect their hands following the visit with alcohol
                    respiratory tract infections,

                                                                gel. Patients at high risk because of neutropenia are also
                    surgical site infections (see page 16),

                                                                isolated and reverse barrier nursed to try to protect them

                                                                from exposure to infections.
                    skin infections, e.g. of burns and

                                                                 In addition, overuse of antibiotics particularly broad-
                    gastrointestinal infections.

                                                                spectrum antibiotics should be avoided. Where the de-
                  Nosocomial infections are most commonly bacterial,
                                                                velopment of resistance is likely, combination antibiotics
                  particularly Staph. aureus, Pseudomonas and Escherichia
                                                                are used.
                  coli. Clostridium difficile is a common cause of diarrhoea
                  in patients given broad-spectrum antibiotics (see page
                  150). Viruses are also important, e.g. small round struc-  Pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO)
                  tured viruses (SRSV), which have caused outbreaks of
                                                                An intermittent or continuous fever >38˚C lasting more
                  tory infections can affect patients and staff alike (as dra-
                                                                than 3 weeks and without diagnosis despite initial inves-
                  matically highlighted by the outbreak of SARS in 2003).
                  Fungi, particularly Candida and Aspergillus,are also be-
                  coming more important.
                    Many of the pathogens that cause nosocomial infec-  Aetiology
                  tions have a high level of antibiotic resistance, which is  See Table 1.6.
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