Page 18 - Medicine and Surgery
P. 18

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                   14 Chapter 1: Principles and practice of medicine and surgery

                   Respiratory disease                          Coagulation disorders
                     The preoperative assessment should identify coexist-  Deep vein thrombosis, which may be complicated by

                     ing respiratory conditions. Patients must be asked  pulmonary embolism, is a significant postoperative
                     about smoking and where possible should be encour-  risk. Risk factors include previous history of throm-
                     aged to stop smoking at least 6 weeks prior to surgery.  boembolic disease, specific thrombophilic disorders
                     Although chest X-rays are often performed as part of  (protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency, factor V
                     the routine assessment of preoperative patients, they  Leiden mutations), smoking, obesity, prolonged post-
                     should not be relied on to identify underlying respi-  operative immobility, malignancy and drugs such as
                     ratory diseases. In general, a chest x-ray is not indi-  the combined oral contraceptive pill. Wherever possi-
                     cated unless there are acute respiratory signs or severe  ble, risk factors should be identified and modified (in-
                     chronic respiratory disease with no film in the last  cluding stopping the combined oral contraceptive pill
                     12 months.                                   4weeks prior to major surgery). Specific prophylaxis
                     Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  includessubcutaneouslow-molecular-weightheparin

                     (COPD) are at significant risk of postoperative res-  injections and compression stockings, which should
                     piratory complications. Patients with severe disease  be considered for at-risk patients.
                     may benefit from a preoperative respiratory opin-     Bleeding disorders such as haemophilia, use of anti-
                     ion and formal respiratory function testing. Preop-  coagulant or antiplatelet medication and chronic liver
                     eratively all therapy should be optimised; pre- and  disease may cause perioperative bleeding. Patients
                     postoperative physiotherapy is essential. Postopera-  with known coagulation factor or vitamin K deficien-
                     tive analgesia should allow pain free ventilation and  cies may require perioperative replacement therapy.
                     coughing, to maximise ventilation and reduce the risk  Anti-coagulant medication may be reduced, changed
                     of postoperative pneumonia.                  or stopped depending on the underlying indication
                                                                  for anticoagulation.
                   Diabetes mellitus
                   Patients with diabetes are at increased risk periopera-  Liver disease
                   tively both from the diabetes itself (hypoglycaemia and  Patients with chronic liver disease may have im-
                   ketoacidosis) and from the complications of diabetes (is-  paired coagulation (vitamin K and coagulation factor
                   chaemic heart disease, vascular insufficiency, renal fail-  deficiencies), altered metabolism of drugs, increased
                   ure and increased risk of infection).        susceptibility to infection and hypoalbuminaemic
                     Diet-controlled diabetics often require no specific in-  oedema. Coagulation deficiencies should be corrected

                     tervention, but should have perioperative blood glu-  prior to surgery and careful fluid balance is essential.
                     cose monitoring.                           The patient’s alcohol intake should be elicited; symp-
                     Patients on oral hypoglycaemic agents should omit  toms of withdrawal from alcohol may occur during a

                     their drugs on the morning of surgery (unless under-  hospital admission.
                     going a short day case procedure) and restart when
                     oral diet recommences. Perioperative blood sugar lev-  Renal disease
                     els should be monitored. In more major surgery, or  Pre-existing renal impairment predisposes to the devel-
                     when patients are to remain nil by mouth for a pro-  opment of acute tubular necrosis. Hypotension should
                     longed period, intravenous dextrose and variable dose  be avoided and urinary output should be monitored so
                     intravenousshortactinginsulinshouldbeconsidered.  that oliguria can be recognised early and treated.
                     Insulin-controlled diabetics normally require conver-

                     sion to intravenous dextrose and variable dose intra-  Emergency surgery
                     venous short acting insulin prior to surgery. Close  In patients requiring emergency surgery there may not
                     monitoring of blood sugar and urine for ketones is  be enough time to identify and correct all coexistent
                     essential. Once oral diet is recommenced the patient  diseases. It is however essential to identify any cardiac,
                     should convert back to regular subcutaneous insulin  respiratory, metabolic or endocrine disease, which may
                     therapy.                                   affect anaesthesia. An ECG, chest X-ray and where
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