Page 16 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   12 Chapter 1: Principles and practice of medicine and surgery

                   Investigations                                   Loop diuretics such as furosemide can be used in con-
                   These are aimed at assessing the severity of hypercal-  junction with fluids to increase renal excretion of cal-
                   caemia to guide management and to look for the under-  cium and prevent fluid overload.
                   lying cause. The serum calcium should be checked and     Bisphosphonates can be used, which inhibit bone
                   corrected for serum albumin because only the ionised  turnoverandthereforereduceserumcalcium.Steroids
                   calcium (not bound to protein) is active. The total serum  may be used if the underlying diagnosis is a known
                   calcium is corrected as follows:               malignancy, but is less useful if there is ectopic PTH
                                                                    If there is renal failure, early consultation with a
                     Corrected calcium = Measured calcium +
                                                                  nephrologist is needed, as increased renal excretion
                                      0.02(40 − serum albumin)
                                                                  of calcium is often impossible or difficult to achieve
                                                                  and dialysis may be required.
                     Mild hypercalcaemia (2.6–2.8 mmol/L) is suggestive     Further management depends on the underlying

                     of primary hyperparathyroidism.

                     due to malignancy.
                   Blood should be sent for U&Es (to look for renal impair-  Hypocalcaemia
                   ment), serum protein electrophoresis and Bence Jones
                   protein (to look for myeloma) and a PTH (parathyroid  Definition
                   hormone) level. If the PTH level is normal or high, this  Aserum calcium level of <2.2 mmol/L.
                   is diagnostic of hyperparathyroidism because it should
                   be suppressed in hypercalcaemia. A chest X-ray may
                   demonstrate malignancy or sarcoidosis. Serum phos-
                   phate may be helpful, as it tends to be low in ma-  Hypocalcaemia may be caused by
                                                                    vitamin D deficiency,
                   lignancy or primary hyperparathyroidism but high in
                                                                    hypoparathyroidism (after parathyroidectomy, thy-
                   other causes. If PTH is low, PTH-like peptide can be
                   measured.                                      roid or other neck surgery),
                     Other tests which may be useful include the following:
                                                                    magnesium depletion by inducing end-organ PTH re-
                     Urinary calcium, which is raised in most causes

                     of hypercalcaemia, but relatively low (<100 mg or  sistance or deficiency (causes include diuretics, alco-
                     2.5 mmol/day) in milk–alkali syndrome, thiazide di-  holism and malnutrition),
                     uretic use and FHH.
                                                                    acute pancreatitis and severe sepsis,
                     Vitamin D and its active metabolites.

                                                                    acute respiratory alkalosis,
                     Serum angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), which

                                                                    drugs, e.g. chemotherapy especially cisplatin, bispho-
                     may be raised in pulmonary sarcoidosis.
                                                                  sphonates and
                                                                  calcium chelators, e.g. citrate following large transfu-

                                                                  sions of blood.
                   This depends on the severity, whether acute or chronic
                   and the underlying cause. Any causative drugs should be
                   withdrawn.                                   Pathophysiology
                     Patients should be assessed for fluid status and any  Hypocalcaemia causes increased membrane potentials,

                     dehydration corrected. Rehydration reduces calcium  which means that cells are more easily depolarised
                     levels by a dilutional effect and by increasing renal  and therefore causes prolongation of the Q–T interval,
                     clearance. Intravenous saline is often needed because  which predisposes to cardiac arrhythmias. It may also
                     many patients feel too nauseous to tolerate sufficient  cause refractory hypotension and neuromuscular prob-
                     oral fluids and polyuria is common due to nephro-  lems include tetany, seizures and emotional lability or
                     genic diabetes insipidus.                  depression.
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