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                   256 Chapter 6: Genitourinary system

                   Macroscopy                                   hypertrophy or carcinoma are most common. With
                   There are single or multiple cysts up to 5–6 cm in diam-  increasingageinbothsexesretroperitonealorpelvicma-
                   eter filled with clear watery fluid, which have a smooth  lignancy should be suspected. See Table 6.12.
                   Investigations                               If urine continues to be produced, obstruction causes a
                   If there are multiple cysts, a diagnosis of adult polycystic  rise in pressure and dilatation of the proximal part of the
                   kidney disease should be considered. If the cyst looks as  urinary tract. The effects of obstruction depend on the
                   if it may have any solid or mixed echogenicity compo-  site, severity and rate of onset of obstruction.
                   nents, a thickened wall, or appears loculated on ultra-     Renal obstruction usually causes loin pain, whereas
                   sound, then further investigation by CT may be indi-  bladder outflow obstruction may cause a sensation of
                   cated, to differentiate a cyst from a possible malignancy.  a full bladder (see page 261).
                   Cyst aspiration/drainage is indicated for infected cysts as     If both kidneys are completely obstructed (either at
                   diagnosis and treatment.                       the level of the ureters (uncommon) or because of
                                                                  bladder outflow obstruction), or if there is only one
                   Management                                     functioning kidney which becomes obstructed, com-
                   Nospecifictreatmentrequired,exceptforcomplications.  plete anuria may occur. More commonly partial ob-
                                                                  struction can lead to renal impairment, despite con-
                                                                  tinued passage of urine. Partial obstruction may also
                   Renal tract obstruction
                                                                  ability of the tubules.
                   Urinary tract obstruction                        Acute obstruction is almost always associated with
                   Definition                                      pain, but chronic progressive obstruction usually
                   Obstruction of the urinary tract at any level, whether  causes dilatation with little or no pain.
                   partial or complete, can cause symptoms and renal im-
                   pairment.                                    Clinical features
                                                                Renal obstruction should be considered as a diagnosis
                   Aetiology                                    in all presentations of renal failure, as it is often asymp-
                   The likely causes depend on the age of the patient and  tomatic. Loin pain, which may be dull, sharp, constant
                   the level of obstruction. In children, abnormal anatomy  or intermittent, may occur. High intake of fluids may
                   such as urethral valves or stenosis is most likely, whereas  exacerbate the pain. Loin tenderness may be present, a
                   stones are more likely in adults. In older men prostatic  distendedbladdermaybepalpableandrectalandvaginal

                   Table 6.12 Causes of urinary tract obstruction
                   Level                Intrinsic            Wall                   Extrinsic
                   Kidney and ureter    Clot                 Urothelial Tumour      Tumour of pelvis
                                        Renal Tumour         Stricture (Idiopathic  Aortic aneurysm
                                        Cysts                  hydronephrosis)      Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
                                        Casts, protein etc                          TB
                                                                                    Radiation Fibrosis
                   Bladder              Tumour                                      Prostate – BPH or carcinoma
                                        Foreign body
                   Urethra              Tumour               Urethral valve
                                        Foreign body         Stricture
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