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                   252 Chapter 6: Genitourinary system

                                                                NCCT channel
                                            Na (60%)              Na Cl –     Ca 2+

                                               Proximal tubule        Distal tubule
                                                                    K +
                                                             ROMK channel
                                                                     Na  (25%)
                                                                     K +
                                                 Aminoacids          2CI –                  +
                                                 Glucose     NKCC2 channel                 K
                              Bowman's capsule
                                                 PO 4 3–                            ROMK channel
                                                 HCO –                                     Na +
                                                                                    ENaC channel
                                                                                          Collecting duct
                                                           Loop of Henlé

                   Figure 6.9 Renal tubular function.

                   nephron affected (see Fig. 6.9). See also Renal Tubu-  depletion, polyuria and immunodeficiency secondary
                   lar Acidosis (see below). The single defects are discussed  to immunoglobulin loss. Phosphate loss leads to vita-
                   here.                                          minDresistantricketsinchildhood,andosteomalacia
                   Proximal tubule: The proximal tubule is the site of max-  in adults.
                   imal reabsorption of glucose and sodium. Water and     Phosphate transport defects: There are several types,
                   anions such as aminoacids follow sodium. Osmotic di-  usually X-linked, although occasional sporadic inher-
                   uretics and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors act at this site.  ited or acquired cases do occur. They cause inappro-
                   Disordersoftheproximaltubulemayleadtooneormore  priate loss of phosphate from the tubules and result in
                   of the following syndromes:                    hypophosphataemia and vitamin D resistant rickets
                     Renal glycosuria is an autosomal recessive inherited  (VDDR). Treatment is with oral phosphate supple-

                     condition characterised by glycosuria with normal  ments with vitamin D or 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D
                     blood glucose. There is impaired reabsorption of glu-  (calcitriol).
                     cose in the proximal tubules, with no clinical sequelae.  Thick ascending loop of Henle: Sodium is pumped
                     Glycosuria is a normal response during pregnancy.  out of the lumen in the ascending loop, water is drawn
                     Aminoaciduria may affect only one amino acid or sev-  out of the descending loop by osmosis. This creates a

                     eral. The most important single defect is cystinuria, an  concentration gradient within the medulla of the kid-
                     autosomal recessive condition which predisposes to  ney, which draws water out of the collecting duct and
                     urinary stone formation (see page 270). Treatment is  hence concentrates the urine. Loop diuretics such as
                     with high fluid intake and alkali ingestion, because the  furosemide act from within the lumen of the ascending
                     cystine is more soluble in alkaline conditions. Drugs  loop binding to the chloride site of the NKCC2 channel.
                     such as penicillamine may be used to form complexes  This interferes with the pump reducing the concentra-
                     with the cystine. In Fanconi syndrome (which may be  tion gradient resulting in more dilute urine.
                     an inherited juvenile form or acquired in adults) there     Bartter type I syndrome is an autosomal recessive
                     is defective reabsorption of most aminoacids, glucose,  defect in the gene encoding the NKCC2 pump. It
                     phosphate and bicarbonate. There may be potassium  results in high urinary sodium loss, dehydration,
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