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                                                                         Chapter 6: Disorders of the kidney 247

                  Age                                            positive ANCA as well as anti-GBM antibodies, which
                  Young > old                                    can cause a systemic vasculitis.
                                                                 Chest X-ray may demonstrate pulmonary infiltrates

                  Sex                                            due to haemorrhage.
                  M > F                                            Pulmonary function tests may be performed to look
                                                                 for increased transfer factor (evidence of alveolar
                  Aetiology/pathophysiology                      haemorrhage).
                  The pathogenic antibodies have been characterised as
                  IgGautoantibodies to the α3chain of type IV collagen.
                  The response to the immune deposits is complement
                                                                   Plasmapheresis is used to remove circulating anti-
                  activation, polymorph infiltration and a proliferative
                                                                 GBM, and high dose steroids and cyclophosphamide
                  glomerulonephritis. Crescents form as a result of ep-
                                                                 are used to switch off the production of antibody.
                  ithelial cell proliferation and monocyte infiltration into
                                                                 Smoking, lung infection and pulmonary oedema all
                  Bowman’s space, causing rapidly progressive glomeru-
                                                                 increase the risk of pulmonary haemorrhage.
                  lonephritis (RPGN).
                                                                   If patients are dialysis dependent at presentation, and
                                                                 have 100% crescents on renal biopsy, the chances of
                  Clinical features
                                                                 renal recovery are poor. The decision to treat these
                    The usual presentation is of acute renal failure with

                                                                 patients if they have no evidence of pulmonary haem-
                    oliguria, an active urine sediment with dysmorphic
                                                                 orrhage or other vasculitis with aggressive therapy is
                    redblood cells, red cell casts and proteinuria.
                                                                 difficult, as the risks of the above treatment are con-

                    monary haemorrhage. Symptoms include haemopty-
                                                                   Anti-GBM disease only rarely relapses, so the cy-
                    sis, shortness of breath and symptoms of anaemia. Al-
                                                                 clophosphamide can be stopped after 3 months, and
                    though this may occur in anti-GBM disease it is more
                                                                 the steroids are tailed off.
                    commonly due to other causes (see Table 6.8).
                    Pulmonary haemorrhage is more common in patients

                    with underlying lung disease, lung infections, pul-  Prognosis
                    monary oedema and in smokers.               Patient survival and long-term renal function correlate
                                                                well with the degree of renal impairment at presenta-
                  Macroscopy/microscopy                         tion. Relapses occur particularly in those with ANCA
                  On renal biopsy there are diffuse global prolifera-  and anti-GBM antibody, and it may occasionally recur
                  tive changes on light microscopy, often crescentic.  after transplantation. Early diagnosis and treatment is
                                                                the key to reducing morbidity and mortality.
                  Immunofluorescence demonstrates linear IgG and C 3
                  deposits at the GBM.
                                                                Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
                  Initial investigation is as for acute renal failure and  (membranoproliferative GN)
                  nephritic syndrome.                           Definition
                    Serum anti-GBM antibody can be detected by ra-  MCGN (or MPGN) is a descriptive term for a pattern

                    dioimmunoassay (ELISA). Up to 40% of cases have a  of glomerular disease with mesangial proliferation and
                                                                GBM thickening. It may be a primary disease (two types)
                   Table 6.8 Causes of Goodpasture’s syndrome   but many cases are secondary (see Table 6.9).
                   ANCA-associated vasculitis including Wegener’s
                     granulomatosis                             Aetiology/pathophysiology
                   Anti-GBM disease (Goodpasture’s disease)        Type I MCGN is almost certainly an immune complex
                   Concurrent ANCA and anti-GBM antibodies       mediated disease, perhaps caused by an unknown in-
                   Systemic lupus erythematosus
                                                                 fectious agent.
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