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                                                                              Chapter 7: Multiple sclerosis 323

                    Secondary-progressive MS (about 40%) when the ini-  Microscopy

                    tial onset is of relapsing-remitting, then after several  Loss of myelin associated with lymphocytic cuffing of
                    years this becomes a chronic progressive form of the  small vessels. In fresh lesions, increased numbers of
                    disease.                                    macrophagesphagocytosethedamagedmyelinandform
                  Examples of clinical features include the follow-  foam cells. Old lesions are firm, grey-pink ‘burnt-out
                  ing:                                          plaques’ that have very few inflammatory cells and are
                    Optic neuritis – usually unilateral visual loss which  dominated by astrocytes.

                    progresses over days, which may be mild or severe.
                    Paininorbehindtheeye,exacerbatedbymovement,is  Investigations
                    common. On examination there is loss of visual acuity     MRI brain and spinal cord shows increased intensity
                    and colour vision, a central scotoma and fundoscopy  lesions on T2-weighted images, gadolinium will cause
                    may demonstrate a swollen optic disc (in retrobulbar  enhancement of an acute lesion on T1-weighted im-
                    neuritis, where the optic nerve is affected, the disc  ages.
                    looks normal). In an initial presentation of unilateral     CSF shows oligoclonal bands of IgG only within the
                    optic neuritis, only about half of patients will go on to  CNS(i.e.notfoundinserum).Thistestisonlypositive
                    develop MS.                                  in ∼90% and false positives can occur.
                    There may be motor, sensory, bladder, bowel or sexual  Electrophysiological tests: visual brainstem, somat-

                    disturbances. There may be hemiparesis, paraparesis  osensory and auditory evoked responses may demon-
                    or monoparesis. On examination, upper motor neu-  strate previously subclinical lesions.
                    rone signs are found (i.e. increased tone, pyramidal
                    distribution of weakness, brisk reflexes, upgoing plan-  Management
                    tars and loss of abdominal reflexes).        Supportivemanagementandcounselling,physiotherapy
                    Lhermitte’s phenomenon is suggestive of MS – light-  as indicated. Bladder symptoms, muscle spasms, pain

                    ning like pains going down into the spine or limbs  and other problems are treated appropriately.
                    which occurs on neck flexion.                   Short course, high-dose oral or intravenous steroids
                    Visual disturbances such as diplopia due to VIth nerve  are used in acute relapses. These cause more rapid

                    palsy or internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Internuclear  improvement, but do not appear to reduce the resid-
                    ophthalmoplegia is a horizontal gaze palsy resulting  ual neurological deficit. They are therefore usually re-
                    from a lesion affecting the medial longitudinal fas-  served for disabling visual or motor disease.
                    ciculus (MLF) in the brainstem or pons. When a     Recently β interferon has been used in clearly
                    patient attempts lateral gaze there is an inability to  relapsing-remitting MS to reduce relapse rate by 1/3
                    adduct the eye which is ipsilateral to the MLF le-  and it reduces the number of lesions seen on MRI.
                    sion and the contralateral eye fully abducts but with  However, it is not widely available and its effects are
                    nystagmus.                                   limited.
                    Cerebrellar involvement may also cause other cerebel-  The progressive forms of the disease are more dif-

                    lar signs may occur.                         ficult to treat, and immunosuppressive drugs have
                    Depression and intellectual impairment are common  been used. β interferon may be useful in secondary-

                    in long-standing MS, especially with widespread cere-  progressive MS.
                    bral hemisphere involvement.
                  The diagnosis may be made clinically if there are  Prognosis
                  two or more attacks separated in time with, clinical ev-  The prognosis of multiple sclerosis is very variable, the
                  idence of lesions in different areas. Following a single  relapsing-remitting pattern having a better prognosis
                  attack or clinical evidence of only one lesion area the  thantheprogressiveforms.Deatheventuallyoccursafter
                  diagnosis may still be made if there is radiological evi-  late-stage disease (optic atrophy, spastic quadriparesis,
                  denceoftwoormorelesionsintimeorspace(McDonald  brain-stem and cerebellar disease) typically from com-
                  Criteria).                                    plications of immobility.
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