Page 328 - Medicine and Surgery
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                   324 Chapter 7: Nervous system

                                                                Clinical features
                    CNS causes of headache                          In acute hydrocephalus the raised intracranial pres-
                                                                  sure results in headache, vomiting, gait apraxia and
                   Hydrocephalus                                  disturbance in consciousness.

                                                                  toms include headache (typically present on waking,
                                                                  made worse by coughing, straining or sneezing), vom-
                   which there is enlargement of the cerebral ventricles due
                                                                  iting and papilloedema. Any shift in the cranial con-
                   to an increase in the CSF volume within the ventricles
                                                                  tents can produce a variety of signs and symptoms
                   and CSF spaces.
                                                                  including focal neurological signs, e.g. sixth nerve
                   Aetiology                                        Normal pressure hydrocephalus presents with one or
                   Hydrocephalus can be divided into obstructive/non-  more of dementia, ataxia and urinary incontinence.
                   age of the passage of the CSF within or between the
                   ventricles, and communicating hydrocephalus, in which
                                                                Raised intracranial pressure may lead to cerebral
                   there is impaired resorption of the CSF in the subarach-
                                                                oedema, bradycardia and hypertension. Compression
                   noid space.
                                                                of the medulla due to cerebral herniation (coning)
                                                                causes impaired consciousness, respiratory depression
                   tricles may be dilated, depending on the site of obstruc-
                                                                and death.
                     Primary or secondary tumours of the posterior fossa

                     or brain stem.                             Investigations
                     Subarachnoid haemorrhage, head injury and menin-
                                                                Lumbar puncture is contraindicated in obstructive hy-
                     gitis.                                     drocephalus due to the risk of coning. CT brain should
                     Aqueductal stenosis.
                                                                be performed in attempt to identify the enlarged ventri-
                     Cerebral haemorrhage, abscesses or cysts.
                                                                cles and to differentiate between communicating and
                   Communicating hydrocephalus:                 non-communicating hydrocephalus. In normal pres-
                     Normal pressure hydrocephalus – there is interference
                                                                sure hydrocephalus, if removal of CSF by LP improves
                     withthenormalflowandresorptionofCSFinthesub-  symptoms and signs, patients may benefit from CSF
                     arachnoid space. It may be associated with previous  shunting.
                     subarachnoid haemorrhage or meningitis, but usually
                     there is no cause found.                   Management
                     Intracranial venous thrombosis             In all cases, treatment is aimed at the underlying cause.

                     Basilar meningeal disease affecting the subarachnoid  However, emergency treatment to reduce intracranial

                     space.                                     pressure and maintain cerebral perfusion may be re-
                   Pathophysiology                                  General measures include ensuring good oxygen sup-
                   Normally, CSF produced in the choroid plexus of the lat-  ply, avoiding hypercapnia, and maintaining systemic
                   eral ventricles flows through the foramen of Monro into  blood pressure. Steroids and mannitol are used in cer-
                   the slit like third ventricle and then through the narrow  tain circumstances.
                   aqueduct of the upper brain stem. It then flows into the     Drainage of the ventricles is achieved by a frontal burr
                   fourth ventricle, where there are three apertures which  hole and extraventricular drain, which also allows in-
                   allow the CSF to drain into the subarachnoid space. It  tracranial pressure monitoring.
                   flows over the surface of the brain and spinal cord and     If the blockage is not amenable to surgical correc-
                   is normally reabsorbed through the arachnoid villi into  tion a ventricular shunt may be inserted. A catheter
                   the cerebral veins.                            is introduced into the lateral ventricle and tunnelled
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