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                   388 Chapter 9: Dermatology and soft tissues

                     psoriasis, psoriatic lesions occur at sites of trauma  a thin or absent granular layer. Dilated capillaries are
                     and damage (the K¨ oebner phenomenon) and certain  seen in the oedematous papillary dermis.
                     drugs may exacerbate psoriasis (β blockers, lithium,
                     antimalarials).                            Management
                                                                Psoriasis is a chronic disorder that is managed rather
                   Pathophysiology                              than cured. Treatments are chosen on the basis of dis-
                   The epidermis is thickened with increased epidermal  ease pattern and severity, patient preference and clinical
                   stem cells and keratinocytes. There is increased cellular  response.
                   DNA synthesis, shortened cell cycle and rapid epidermal     Emollients both topical and in the bath help reduce
                   turnover (turnover time is reduced from 28 to 4 days).  the scaling and dryness.
                                                                  Keratolytic agents (e.g. coal tar) are used both in the

                   Clinical features                              form of topical applications and shampoos to remove
                   Psoriasis varies in severity. Typical lesions are clearly de-  the scales before applying other treatments.
                   marcated erythematous patches 1–10 cm in diameter.     Topical corticosteroids are often used; however, there
                   There is a thick silvery scale, which when lifted off char-  is a risk of rebound psoriasis on stopping treatment.
                   acteristically reveals small areas of punctate bleeding.     Calcipotriol, a vitamin D analogue, is increasingly
                   Different distribution patterns are recognised.  used either as single therapy or in combination with
                     Plaque psoriasis is the most common form. It usu-
                                                                  topical steroids.
                     ally affects extensor surfaces especially the elbows and     Phototherapy with ultraviolet B (UVB), or with UVA
                     knees, scalp and hair margin or sacrum.      light and an oral psoralen (PUVA), is used in patients
                     Guttate (drop-like) psoriasis is an acute onset of mul-
                                                                  with extensive refractory disease. These treatments are
                     tiple small psoriatic lesions on the trunk often in a  expensive and increase the risk of skin cancer. An al-
                     child or young adult with no previous history of pso-  ternative may be the use of a high-energy laser that
                     riasis. It often follows a streptococcal pharyngitis. It is  treats only the affected skin.
                     usually self-limiting.                         Systemic therapy is used in life-threatening or refrac-
                     Pustular psoriasis is the most severe form and can
                     be life-threatening. There is acute onset of diffuse  retinoids all of which have systemic toxicity requiring
                     erythema and scaling with sheets of superficial non-  monitoring.
                     infected pustules. If the entire skin is affected, it is
                     termed erythrodermic (the von Zumbusch variant).  Prognosis
                     This may be associated with systemic upset (malaise,  Psoriasis is a lifelong disease with variability in severity
                     fever, diarrhoea) and is potentially life-threatening.  over time.
                     Localised forms of pustular psoriasis also occur, such
                     as palmoplantar pustulosis.                Pityriases
                     Flexural or inverse psoriasis affects the inguinal re-

                     gion, axillae and submammary areas. There may not  Pityriasis rosea
                     be scales visible due to moisture, the plaques therefore
                     appear erythematous and smooth.            Definition
                                                                Pityron is Greek word for bran. The pityriases are skin
                     Nail involvement includes pitting, ridging and ony-

                                                                diseases characterised by fine, bran-like scales. Pityriasis
                     cholysis. Nail involvement is specifically associated
                                                                rosea is an acute, self-limiting condition with scaly oval
                     with psoriatic arthropathy.
                                                                papules and plaques mainly occurring on the trunk.
                     Psoriatic arthritis occurs in 5% of patients (see page

                   Microscopy                                   The cause is unknown, human herpes virus 7 has been
                   There is infiltration of the strium corneum with neu-  suggested; however, the virus is not always detectable in
                   trophils, epidermal hyperplasia with hyperkeratosis and  patients with pityriasis rosea.
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