Page 387 - Medicine and Surgery
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Chapter 8: Vasculitis 383
Aetiology/pathophysiology arthritis, gastrointestinal upset, renal, lung and neuro-
It is thought to be the result of an environmentally trig- logical involvement. Patients demonstrate pathergy (a
gered autoimmune reaction in a genetically susceptible papule or pustule forms at sites of skin puncture) – this
individual. is a highly specific finding.
Clinical features Management
Patients have recurrent oral aphthous or herpetiform ul- Corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents are used
cers.Othermanifestationsincludegenitalulceration,oc- for severe disease. Colchicine may be of benefit for ery-
ular disease (uveitis), skin lesions (erythema nodosum), thema nodosum and arthralgia.